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The next morning Mk woke up really warm and comfortable.He snuggled back into the "pillow" he thought his head was on.

Red:N-Noodle boy?
Mk:GAH!!AH-IM SORRY!!I DIDN'T-I UM..*He shot himself up*
Red:It's fine.Just stop yelling.*His face was Red*
Red:Are you feeling better? *He yawned and sat up*
Mk:Yeah..Thank you.

Macaque came over and opened the door assuming they were awake because he heard Mk yelling.

Mac:Morning ki-

Macaque abruptly stop talking and stared at Mk and Red.Red son was sat upwards while Mk was sitting up aswell but his legs on both sides of Red and they were really close.(aha gay-)

Mac:Sorry-*He started closing the door*
Red+Mac:Stop yelling!!

Mk shifted himself off of Red son and they both blushed a bit but quickly brushed it off.

Mac:So Anyways,What did you two do yesterday?why'd you fall asleep on the couch?
Red:I arrived here a bit late and I didn't see M-Noodle boy so I waited but when he came back he was out of breath and a bit shaken.


Mk stayed quiet.
Macaque started to get impatient demanding why he isn't telling him.He ended up getting Mk to just burst it out after he yelled.

Mk:I saw Monkie king!!And he saw me and tried to take me back...
Mac:*He sighed*Did he see where you ran to?
Mac:Well that's fine.Just don't get caught next time.Better yet,Don't let there be a next time!
Mac:It's fine...Anyways,Who's hungry?
Mk:ME!!*he mood quickly changed at the topic of food*
Red:I could eat.

Macaque went to go and cook breakfast leaving Mk and Red in the room together.Alone.

Mk:Sorry about laying on yo-
Red:Shut up you're going to make it more awkward.
Red:You apologizes a lot,Why is that?
Mk:Umm,Well I guess it's just something I do..
Red:Hm ok.So..What should we do?
Mk:go and watch Tv?

Mk and Red left the room and went to go and watch Tv.Later macaque called then over to eat.He made pancakes,eggs, and bacon.

They ate their food and then cleaned up.Once they finished Macaque made Mk go and start training while he talked with Redson.

Mac:Did Mk tell you anything about what happened with Sun wukong?
Red:He told me he ran into sun wukong and sun wukong grabbed him trying to take him back but He ran away and he said he yelled something weird.
Mac:What was it?
Red:She's back..You don't think they're referring to her..
Mac:I'm afraid they might be.I could lose him,I can't risk that so I believe it's safe i keep him hidden.
Red:That would be reasonable.

Macaque and Red walked out after their conversation and saw Mk playing around with butterflies.

Redson walked up and sat next to Mk.Mk didn't notice until Red spoke.

Red:They look pretty don't they?
Mk:Huh?Oh!Yeah they do!
Red:Do you want one?
Mk:OOO!!Yeah butterflies would be cool to have as a pet!!

Red son used his flames to bring a decent sized see-through box and caught 2 butterfly.A monarch butterfly and a Red admiral.(Red and orange 😗)

He put a few leaves in there and handed to box to Mk but when he looked over at Mk he could see the amazement on his face.

Red:Gah!N-No problem!*His hair started to catch on fire*

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