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A long wait for some stupid chapter i threw together 💀

He couldn't feel a thing.

He panicked,looking around.

He just wanted to see his kid.

Wukong calmed down for a second and was trying to figure out what was going on.

The last thing he remembered was Mk and he..

Macaque.He gave a look of..fear.Despair.guilt.

Redson..Yelling something.

Then he blacked out.

Wukong heard something.

Don't panic.

Sun:What..?Where am I?!

You went through a rough time,you did everything you could.

Sun:Who are you?!

You wanted a life with someone.Yet you've ruined all opportunities.Why is that?

Sun:Who the hell are you?!

Sometimes,you make sacrifices that don't always work out in the end.Sometimes they end in death.

Sun: ...

You make a lot of mistakes and hope that one day people could forgive you.

Wukong sat down and stayed quiet.

The only things on his mind were Mk and..Macaque.

Did you really think they would forgive you?

Wukong felt tears fall down his cheeks.

Sun:Shut up!!

It's fine now.You don't have to worry about them.


You're dead.

Wukong went silent.The tears on his face felt heavier.

You're free now.No need to cry.This is it.

Wukong curled himself up together.

Why..couldn't he have said one last good bye?

Why..was he such a jerk to the People who showed him love?

Why..did he kill him?Why did he hurt his only chances at happiness?

Sun:I was the jerk.I made all those mistakes,they tried to forgive me and yet I.. I am so stupid!!!

Sun Wukong stood up.

It felt like he wasn't even standing on anything.

Sun:What am I doing here?

You're dead.You're not doing anything.

Wukong looked round and saw nothing.

He though to himself and sighed.

He closed his eyes for a moment.

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