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I'm gonna say just for reference because I have no idea how I let this slip my mind 💀

The library is now open to all,demons,gods,spirits etc.
Just not humans :)

As they approach the library, Mk looked around,he was admiring everything around him.

Pigsy got his pictures and they then began to walk in.

As they walked in,the library was huge,Nezha began to lead them around to find the book that would tell them a being who can heal.

As they walked around Mk got excited, he's never seen anything like this place before.It was super big.

Mk:This place is so cool!!
Nezha:Mk,I understand you are excited but stay a bit more quiet.You're the most at risk here.

Mk nodded and they continued to look around.

Pigsy was a bit freaked out about all the demons and angels around but just followed along.

Sandy was happy to be in the an area were everyone is equal :)

Redson didn't like to be in the library,too quiet and to many people who all touch the books.

They decided to split up to find the book.

Sandy,Pigsy,macaque and Redson went to go look on one side.
Mk and Nezha went to go look on the other.
(They thought Nezha would be good at keeping an eye on Mk)

Mk followed by Nezha closely as they looked through the books.

Eventually Mk saw a book he thought looked super cool and got distracted by it.

He opened it and read a few words before getting bored and closing it.

As he turned around to go back to nezha,he was gone.

He looked around and began to freak out,the library was pretty big and he was sure it would take a while to find Nezha.

He began to walk around and look for Nezha but couldn't find him.

He couldn't call out for him because he didn't want to get kicked out.

He looked around for a while and could feel the eyes on him,he was super nervous and just tried to ignore it.

He walked around one of the aisles and accidentally bumped into a demon causing him to drop all his book.

Demon:Watch where- Huh?A monkey? We don't see those here often..

Mk got nervous and began to back up.

Mk:I'm*He picked up the books and handed them to him*i..I have to go..
Demon:Don't be scared little fella,I'm sure you're worth a lot,aren't you?
Demon:You should come with me.

The demon grabbed Mk's wrist and began to try and drag him away.

Mk was scared and began to claw at the demons hand but the demon was persistent and held on.

Mk tried to run away but couldn't,he began to started crying.

Mk:L-let me go.

The demon continued to pull Mk away,
He didn't want to yell out in fear of getting his friends in trouble.

Nezha was so focused on finding the book he didn't realize Mk wasn't next to him.

When he did realize he looked around him and panicked.

He began heading back to where he had been and couldn't see Mk.

Nezha:This kid..

Nezha angrily looked around but still to no avail, he couldn't find him.

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