Come back.5

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Heya!I don't know why I decided to even write this if I can't even come up with ideas!?GAHHHHHH-
But I'll continue just because-
Oh yeah also-

A month had passed even since Mk chose Macaque over Sun wukong.

Mac:Kid!You need to more your arms a bit quicker.
Mac:It's fine.Just remember lower your stance and Quickly land a hit with your weapon.

(Mk's staff had changed over time into the Weapon that was shown when he trains with macaque.Cylinder Like pieces of the staff connected together by chains.)

Mk lowered his stance and struck.He landed a hit on one of Macaques shadows,The shadow threw a punch at Mk but Mk blocked it and hit it again.

Mk defeated the shadow in 5 minutes.Before when he was first starting he couldn't even defeat the shadow and when he eventually did, it took more than 20 minutes.

Macaque:Impressive kid.You're getting somewhere.
Mk:You think?
Mac:Well of course,Y'know with me training you you've improved a lot.
Mac:Well anyways,I've got to go out and run a few errands.I'll be gone for a while so DON'T make a mess or do anything bad.
Mk:Okie dokie!
Mac:Oh another thing,Because I know you'll be bored I've invited your little boyfriend over.
Mac:Don't yell.Well I see you later,There's leftovers in The fridge.

Macaque left and Mk went and sat down on the couch.He was waiting for Red son to get here so they could hang out.

Mk can't denied that he had started to grow small feelings for Red son over time but he wasn't sure if Red liked him like that.

Mk got bored after awhile of waiting and decided to go for a walk to waste some time.

He went a little farther than expected and got lost.

Mk:Of course.Just my luck!!

He was a bit mad at himself for getting lost but just decided to try and retrace his steps.

He got even more lost.

He walked a round for a bit more until he heard a some sounds and quickly went to hide as to not be seen.

Pigsy:I'm worried..I really am..Will we ever see Mk again?
Sun:We can only try.
Tang:What was that?I heard some noises coming from that bush.
Sun:Hmm let me check it out.

Mk started panicking.He was about to be found.They would bring him back and hate him.They won't forgive him.Mk knew in a matter of seconds Monkie king would see him so he did the only logical thing to do.

Sprint away.

Mk got up quickly and got in a position to take off the second Monkie king approached the bush.Monkie king stopped in front of the bush and just a second after Mk dashed off.

Monkie king was hit By Mk's scent and took off after him.They ran and ran until Monkie king caught up to Mk and grabbed his wrist.


Mk stayed quiet and didn't turn around to look at Monkie king.He was..Scared.

Mk:Let me go.
Sun:Ah-Kid..Please come back..We miss you and we're willing to put things in the past just please come ba-
Mk:I said LET ME GO.

Mk grabbed onto Monkie kings wrist to the hand which had been grabbing him and twisted It around making Monkie king fall over and Mk sprinted off again.

As he Ran he could make out a few of the words Monkie king yelled.


She's back?Whats that supposed to mean?Mk thought as he kept running.

About 20 minutes later Mk managed to find the house.He saw someone standing outside waiting to be let in.It was Red son.

Red son noticed Mk running up to him a grew confused.When Mk got to the door he quickly unlocked it and threw them both inside.

Red:Hey!!Noodle boy!Whats the meaning of this?!

Mk was panting and couldn't get out a simply hi because he had just run,full speed,for 20 minutes.

Red son looked to see Mk's hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath and he was sweating.Mk had thrown on a sleeveless shirt and a pair of sweat pants when he left for this "walk".

Red son started blushing and staring at the sight of Mk like this.

It took mk a while to calm down but when he did he explained his encounter with Monkie king.

Red son tried to comfort Mk because it seemed like he was panicking and he didn't need Mk breaking down on him.

Red son pulled Mk into a hug as he started questioning his choices.Mk froze for a second but then hugged back.

He placed his head into Reds chest and Red placed his head on top of Mk's.They stayed like that for a while until the both went to sit down and eventually fell asleep on the couch.

When Macaque had arrived home later he saw Mk and Red son asleep on the couch and decided to make a portal to Mk's bed and once there,Put a blanket on them and shut the door.


Have a good day/night BUH BYE 👋

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