I don't love you pt. 33

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Mk stopped walking a turned around.

He had a bit of blood running down the side of his head from when he banged his head into a tree.

Mk:Mei? Why are you-
Smk:Mei!Hey how's it going!
Mei:Um..Mk..Who's that?
Smk:I'm Mk, The better one of course, seeing as this nobody can even chose what he wants to do nor be.

Mk gritted his teeth again.He clenched his fist.

Mei:Mk..Why do you keep leaving..?
Mk:Mei.. I-
Smk:Because He's not good enough to even be here.
Mk:Can you let me talk?
Smk:No,You shouldn't even be allowed to talk.Honestly, you shouldn't even be alive!

He laughed at Mk, Mk only stared.

Mei:That's not true!Mk is so much better than what you're saying!
Mk:Thank you Mei..

Mac and Wukong were sitting in a bush watching, Macaque was trying to figure out what he could do.
How he could get rid of Smk.😼

Wukong was just playing with some bugs.

They heard a bit of rustling and saw Sandy and Redson.


Smk turned towards the bushes and walked towards it.

Redson saw Mk, or who he thought was Mk, he then ran up to him, not even noting the fact he was purple.

He hugged him tightly.

Red:I'm so Sorry!!Please I-
Smk:Oh?Hey, lover boy!
Mk:I'm right here..

Redson quickly let go of Smk and ran over to Mk and hugged him even tighter than he hugged Smk.

Mk didn't hugged him back, he felt guilty, seeing Redson crying.

Red:I don't want to Leave!
Red:Don't leave! Promise. Promise me you won't leave me again!

Mk only stared at Redson.

Macaque groaned as they were given away, now having to face Smk.😼

Mac:Listen, I don't know what you are or why you're screwing with Mk, But this isn't working out.
Smk:Oh it isn't? What are you going to do about it?
Smk:Nothing.There's nothing You can do.

Macaque gritted his teeth and didn't know what to say.

Redson was all over Mk, Mk was getting overwhelmed by Redson.
He felt so guilty.

Mk:Red.I don't want you here.
Red:Mk,I swear I'm not scared of you anymore.!!
Mk:But I am..

Mk didn't cry, he only stared.

Mk:I don't know how much more of this I can take..
Red:What do you mean..?
Mk:I..I can't do this..

Smk smiled.

Smk:Aw,Look at this, Isn't it funny?! Such a weakling.
Mei:Don't say that about Mk!
Smk:What? The truth? Ha! That's not even the half of it!
Sandy:Maybe we can talk ab-
Smk:Listen big guy, we're not talking feeling.But if we were, Oh the things I'd spill about him!
I know everything about him.

He laughed manically.
Sun Wukong was beyond confused.

Sun:Mangos..Whats going on..?
Mac:It's.. hard to explain,
Sun:You keep telling me that..
Smk:No, Go on.Why don't you tell him?Tell him everything!! How he killed you.
How he betrayed you, how you still chose to love him after EVERYTHING he's done??? Hm?

Macaque glared at Smk.He was trying to hold back his anger while at the same time his tears.
Wukong was confused but slowly realizing.

Mk felt weak from Redson holding him.He didn't want this for him anymore.

Mk:Just leave.
Red:Mk I don't care how many times I say this, I'm not leaving.
Red:I love you.I'm not going!!Just talk to me!
Mk:I can't!Not with everything going on right now..
Red: You need to do something, standing around getting pulled on by string from this purple freak isn't helping you!!
Mk:You need to get over me!

Redson grew silent.

Mk looked to the ground, then his eyes rose and met Redsons eyes.

His beautiful eyes..His soft skin,His tired and worried expression.His frown full of concern.

Mk couldn't help but stare.
Redson noticed and only got sadder.

Mk pushed Redson off and began to try and walk away but Redson grabbed onto Mk.

Red:Don't..leave me..

Mk bit his lip.

Mk:Red, I don't love you.

Redson froze.

How could he stand there and lie through his teeth about not loving him. All he wanted to do was hug him and cry.

But things were going to change for the better now.

Mk walked towards Smk, tears finally filling his eyes.

He felt like his mind was being infected with these thoughts, this disease, with only one way out.

Smk:Do it. (😼😼)

Mk frowned and look down pulling out the staff, his hands shaky.


He paused, his voice shaky as he trembled.

Mac:Kid what's going on?

Mk let the staff drop into pieces connected by a chain.

Macaque seemed worried, he didn't know what Mk was about to do but he was ready for anything.

Smk began to laugh as Mk raised the staff.

Smk:Such a cowardly way out. Isn't it?

He wrapped the chain around his neck.


Oopies 😼
Now y'all have to wait for the next part to see what happens

😍😍 Lovely ain't it?

Have a good day/night BUH BYYyyyyyeeEeeee

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