Monster pt.32

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Redson stared at Mk.


Mk bit his lip.
He then quickly stood up and began to walk away.

Redson stood up and followed after him.

Mk kept walking faster, he didn't stop. For nothing, For no one.
Redson had tears streaming down is face as he followed Mk.

He caught up to him and grabbed him by his wrist.

Red:M-Mk!We can talk about this!Please, I'm sorry..
I- I can get over it! I'm not scared of you, okay?

Mk was shaking,He couldn't form a sentence.
Redson held Mk's hand in his,He was sobbing.

Red:Please,Please please please.. Mk.. I love you.. I love you so much.. Please..

Mk only cried even more.
He hadn't heard Redson say the words "I love you" before,And Now was the worst time to say it.

Mk:I-I don't want to hurt you!
Red:Mk,Please,I love you!Don't leave me..
Mk:I-I'm Sorry..

Sun Wukong was playing around with some random stuff he found.

Macaque was with Sandy and Mei,trying to figure out what to do.

Mei:Maybe hit him on the Head?
Mac:No. That's not going to work..
sandy:He remembers all of us,Just not Us..So,Maybe we talk to him about it?
Mac:I don't think talking with him would work..
Mei:Maybe we have to bring all his memory's back?
Mac:No shit Sherlock.
Sandy:I mean, like recreating or showing him important memories.
Mei:Yeah!Then maybe he'll realize and get back to normal!
Mac:Okay,We can give that a try..

Macaque walked up to Wukong,Who was now searching for some food.

Mac:Hey wukong.
Mac:So..Do you know who..The lady bone demon is?

Macaque sighed and made a portal and pulled out a photo.


As he stared at the photo he got a slight headache for a moment.

I don't like her.
Mac:You remember her?
Mei:Perfect!Now we just need to do this a bunch of times!
Mac:It just doesn't seem right.. he only knows you guys by his old friends.. and he only knows our past together.. nothing further..

A loud crash came from outside and everyone quickly went to go see what it was.

As they got outside they saw Redson sitting on the floor next to a tree he punched down.

Mac:Woah. Uh, what happened to you?
Sun:Red boy?what's wrong?

He didn't respond,He was sobbing with his hands on His face.

Mei:Yo,Demon boy.What's going on? Where's Mk?
Sandy:Redson, are you okay?

It took a few moments but he finally got something out.

Red:M-Mk left and broke up with me..
Mac:What?! I thought he was like, Head over heels in love with you? Where did he go?!
Sandy:I'm so sorry..
mei:Where's he at right now?!?

Redson cried even harder.

After Mk made Redson leave him, He ran as far away as he could.

He didn't want to hurt anyone else.

His jacket fell off whilst he was running,he didn't go back for it.

He managed to get far before stopping.

His head pounding, His eyes switching colors.


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