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Mk had threw on a pair of black pants and a short sleeved yellow button up with a plain white shirt under it.(This ain't fancy but they are casual clothes 🧍)

He walked out of his room to go and get a drink and Redson was already there and he was wearing a red sweater with a with collar(COLLAR SHIRT!!Not a actual collar 😭 sorry for the confusion)under it and grey pants.

Redson saw Mk and went up to him and shoved him in his room and shut the door.

Mk:What's wrong?
Red:Macaque won't stop berating me!!
Mk:Pfft-What did he say?
Red:He keeps saying you have to be home around a certain time,What I can't and can't do,Where I'm taking you and Ughh.

Macaque knocked on the door and they heard Him say something.

Mac:I wasn't finished talking to you Redson!!
Mk:Macaque leave him alone!
Red:I second that!!
Mac:But kid-
Mac:Fine.I don't want any funny business though!!

Macaque walked away and Red son sighed In relief.

Mk was staring at Red.He usually only saw him in his jacket or in a black sleeveless sweater.He started blushing.

Red did as well as he really only ever saw Mk in alethic clothes.Which he didn't mind seeing him in-

Mk:You look so good!!
Red:Thank you.You do aswell.
Mk:So,Where are we going?
Red:Well I was thinking we can go out to eat and then to a movie?
Mk:That sounds Nice!!
Red:Alright then,Let's go.

Red put out his hand and Mk grabbed it and they went to walk out and said bye to Macaque.

When they got outside Red son used his flames to teleport them to the restaurant.

When they got there they were seated.They talked about random stuff most of the time,Redson went on about his machines for a little but Mk didn't mind.

They ordered their food a while later and waited.When the food did arrive they ate.When they finished Redson paid and they left.

Mk:Thank you for dinner!
Red:It's no big deal.
Mk:So what movie are we going to see?
Red:I haven't really decided.What Kind do you want to watch?
Mk:Well,I'm fine with whatever you want!
Red:Hm.We'll see what kind when we get there.

Mk and Red held hands as they walked over to the movie theater.Once they got there they decided on a horror movie because why not.🧍

They got some popcorn and drinks then went and  sat down.During the movie they got scared at multiple parts and just decided that scary movies weren't for them.

They ended up just walking to the beach.It was getting late.They took off there shoes and went to go and walk around in the sand.

Mk and Red were walking and as they did Mk grew closer to Red son until they were brushing up against eachother.

Red:Are you ok?
Red:You're getting really close to me,I mean I don't mind though..
Mk:Sorry,It's just getting a little cold.

Redson emitted some heat around them and it became warm.Mk felt comfy and relaxed.

Mk smiled and Redson blushed.They walked a little more before Mk decided to roll up his pants and get in the water.

He Made Redson join him as well.Red rolled up his pants and joined.

When red stepped in he accidentally splashed Mk so Mk splashed back and they had a little splashing battle.

It ended with Redson tripping into the water and Mk laughing at him.Redson pulled Mk in with him.And they both laughed together.

Mk:Well now we're both soaked.
Red:We would still be either way.

Mk moved over to Redson and Sat next to him.They stayed there for a bit,still in the water but in the shallow part.Redson still emitting heat to both of them.

Red looked over and saw Mk looking at the stars.
His face glowing in the moons light.
Redson kept staring at Mk until he placed his hand on his cheek.

Mk's head moved in Redsons director.They both blushed and Red leaned in and kissed Mk.

They kissed for a while and then let go to get a breath.

Mk placed his hands behind Redson onto his back and Red placed his hands on Mk's cheeks.

Mk leaned more into the kiss and ended up making Redson fall backwards into the water.

Mk:Red?You okay?
Red:You're not funny!!

mk continued to laugh at Redson and then he pushed Mk's head into the water.

Red:It's only fair.

Redson and Mk got out of the water,drenched,And decided to call it a night and head back to the house.

Redson did his best to dry them off a bit before they started walking and got most of the water off them.


Mk stopped and red stopped aswell.

Mk:Thank you,For everything.
Red:Oh,It was no problem,Did you have fun?
Mk:Of course I did!I was with you!
Red:That's good.*He blushed*

Mk pulled red close from the back of his head and kissed him.

Mk:Hey,Red one more think.
Mk:Will you be my partner?

Redsons hair bursted into a flame.

Red:Ah-Of course.

Redson hugged Mk and Mk hugged him back.they stayed like that for a moment until Red let go.

They held hands and continued to walk back to the house.

They made it to the door and walked in.Macaque was sitting in the couch waiting for them.

Mac:Geez you're 20 minutes late!!
Mk:Sorry we got caught off guard.
Mac:It's ok Mk,Red.Why are you late?!
Red:This feels personal.
Mac:You did just take out the kid I'm training!My student!!
Mk:Macaque leave him alone,Come on Red.

They walked away and Redson could feel macaque staring holes into him.
Mk brought him to his room and Gave him some clothes to change into after a bath.

After they both had bathed,Redson laid down on Mk's bed.Mk sat in a chair and they chatted a bit.

A few minutes later Mk got up and laid down on Redson which made his Blush.

Redson wrapped his arms around Mk and they stayed like that for a moment.When Red let go,Mk moved closer to Reds face and moved his hand to caress Reds cheek.

Mk then leaned down and kissed Reds cheek,he then started to moved closer to Reds mouth and began to gently French kiss him.

Redson fell into the kiss taking control,Red placed his hand on Mk's neck and they made out for some time.

Mk:That was..Interesting..
Mk:Can..We do it again?
Red:S-sure.*His hair started to spark a bit*

Mk leaned in again and they kissed.A few moments later they heard a knock and quickly got up as the door opened.

Mac:You two.
Mac:The door.Open.
Mac:Kid.I don't want anything going on in here.
Mk:B-But we won't do anything,I swear!!
Mac:No the other Redson-Of course you.I swear if you do anything to Mk I will personally-
Mk:Don't threaten him!!
Mac:Hmph.Fine.I'm headed to bed.You two better aswell.
Mk:Ok.Good night!!

Macaque walked away leaving the door open.

(Enforce those rules Papa macaque 😡)

🩳 🧳


My brother also keeps busting in my room at the crack of dawn just to yell to my Alexa "HEY ALEXA!!PLAY BETTY BY YUNG GRAVY!!" And run away,then I have to scream at him but get muffled by the music.😭😭😭

My hamster got out 🧍
He's back now.He's..special.

Have a good day/Night BUH BUYUEI-

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