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As the cage fell closer and closer to the lava,

it stopped.

He was feet away from being burned alive.But those shadows mentioned before weren't very useless.

They caught the cage.

One of them broke the cage open and took Mk out and they threw to cage into the lava.

Mks heart skipped a beat.He was alive.He was however in a volcano aswell.

Mac:No,No,No..I..This wasn't supposed to happen..

Sun wukong had gotten out of the ropes tied around his hands.

As Macaque and Monkie king argued Redson was sat on the ground crying.

The first person he loved.Gone.In the flash of a moment.But he felt as though,He was responsible for not saving him.For not being fast enough to get to him.

Macaque and Monkie king continued to fight until they heard a strange noise coming from the inside of the volcano.

The three of them rushed over just in time to see shadows jumping out.

The shadows landed in front of the three.

And they placed down a familiar face.


Redson shoved Sun wukong and Macaque out of the was and jumped on Mk.(my 4 favorite characters🤩)

Red:A-Are you okay?!Are you hurt?!What happened?!Do you-
Mk:I'm sorry!*Tears started to form*
Red:No,No!Its okay!Don't cry!!

Mk started sobbing into Redson.Red held him tight.He didn't want to lose him.

Sun wukong had started crying as well.He thought he'd lost his kid forever.Even if he hated him,Monkie king still cared for him.

Macaque was relieved.He was glad the shadows were placed there because if not then Mk would for sure be dead.The cage had a seal placed on it to prevent a PERSON from opening it unless macaque removed it.(the shadows don't count)

Red:You're ok..
Mk:I'm sorry Red..I didn't tell you..I- should've..
Red:I don't care about that.As long as you're fine right now.
Mac:Kid..I'm sorry.I swear this wasn't supposed to happen..
Sun:mk..Please don't ever do that again..I miss you..

Mk was overwhelmed.He just wanted it to be quiet.
He tried to drown out Macaque and Monkie king berating him with questions and confessions.

Mac:Alright Hot head,Your turns up.Move it.
Red:No.I'm caring for him.
Mac:Oh well.

Macaque got down and squeezed the daylight out of Mk.Monkie king Also got down and held onto Mk.

He was warm.His mind went blank.It could have been from the affection or the fact he passed out.

When Mk woke up again he was back at Redsons home in a bed with Red sitting next to him.

Red:Hm..Noodle boy..?
Mk:Red..I'm sor-

Redson placed a finger over Mk's mouth and shushed him.

Red:No apologizing.
Mk:*He sighed*Alright.
Red:Are you doing okay?You kinda went unconscious..
Mk:I guess I couldn't take all the attention and stress haha..
Red:Come here..*He said opening his arms*

Mk sat up and hugged Redson and started crying again.
Red comforted him the best he could.

Macaque rushed in at the same time as Sun wukong did and they got caught in the door.They argued a bit but then just went over to Mk and Redson.

Sun:Is he okay!?
Red:He's just..Letting everything out.
Mac:I shouldn't have put him through that..
Sun:Yah you shouldn't have!
Mac:Mind your own business you-

Macaque and Monkie king stayed quiet.

Redson wiped the tears off of Mk and they both blushed,Monkie king noticed.

Mac:Can you leave for a moment.
Sun:What?Im here to make sure MY kid is okay.
Mac:Well,I need to talk to MY kid.

It was hopeless.The two began to fight again making Mk's head pound.

Redson gestured for the door and the two quietly snuck out.

After a while of arguing Macaque and Sun wukong realized they were gone.

Sun:You made him leave!!
Mac:"I made him leave?!"You did!!
Sun:Nuh uh!!
Mac:Geez you're so annoying!!
Sun:Is that why you kissed me?!
Mac: ...
Sun:You like annoying people?!You would do anything to Hurt them?!You think it's okay to mess with my feelings?!

Macaque stood there quiet.Sun wukong had tears running down his face.Tears of sadness.Anger.

Sun:Well?!Going to say nothing?!
Mac: ..Stop.
Sun:Stop what?!Saying the truth!That You don't care for others feeling-
Mac:SHUT UP!!You never cared for mine!!You even took it so far as to kill me!?I cared for you!I LOVED you!!

In Redsons room,Mk laid down and Red sat next to him.Watching over him.

Mk:My head hurts..
Red:Do you want some pain reliever?
Mk:Yes please..

Redson got up and went to go and find the medication.

Mk stayed laid down trying to drown out all noises around him.

Redson came back a few minutes later with a bottle.

Red:Here you go.

Redson handed Mk the bottle and he opened it revealing that it was liquid.(Y'all know where this is going 🫢)

Red:Yeah,sorry about that.We're out of the pills..
Mk:Eh..I'm fine.*He handed the bottle back to Red*
Red:But your head hurts?
Mk:I don't like the liquid medicine.It taste weird.
Red:But it will help you.
Mk:Yeah..But I'm not drinking that.
Red:Yes you are.
Mk:make me~ *Mk said jokingly*

Redson took that literally.
Redson looked at Mk and then at the bottle and took a swig from it and leaned down and kissed Mk.(He basically forced Mk to take the medicine.)

Mk:Ugehh!!It taste so bad!!
Red:You said make you.
Mk:I was joking!!
Red:Oh well.

Redson leaned back down and kissed Mk again


Haha sorry again for not posting...

I swear I'm not forgetting about this

Pssh- Anyways I found out today that my dad isn't going to see us again for about another month and a half,if that.He says he's working on getting a new car.My and my brothers haven't seen him for a while.

It's hard to forget someone when they were around you for so long.You become attached.Even if it's harmful for you.



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