The Start of training.3

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The next morning Mk was up around 7 and had gotten off the bed he laid on.It was cold but Mk had dealt with it because he didn't have a blanket the night before.

Mk walked out of the room to see Macaque's tail around the corner and walked over to see what he was doing.

??:So,why did you want to meet here?
Mac:Well let's just say I ran into a...solution.
??:Hmm?What kind of solution?
Mac:That's non of your concerns right now.
??:Ok then.
Mac:So wh-

Macaque turned around and looked down the hall to see Mk slowly approaching,he heard him walking up to them.Hes the 6 EAR macaque so it hard to miss a lot of noises.

Mk walked into the living room and stood next to where Macaque stood.When Mk looked up to see who Macaque was talking to he was a bit surprised.

It was the one and only....Redson.

Red:The noodle boy?!
Red:W-Why is he here?!
Mac:Well like I said I ran into a solution and he's going to help me take down Sun wukong.
Red:Wait-Why?Isn't he like his successor?
Mac:Well I guess you could say "was".
Red:What happened?*He said looking towards Mk*
Mk:Um...I don't want to talk about it.
Red:Ok then?
Mac:Well anyways,Now tell me what you've got.

Redson and Macaque chatted for a bit as Mk stood there awkwardly.After they finished talking Redson said his goodbyes and left.

Macaque took Mk out back to start his training and when they got there Macaque sat Mk down to explain what they would be doing.

Mac:So Mk,First,i want you to hit me.
Mac:Hit me.With all your force.
Mk:Like,With my fist?

Mk got up and got into a position to punch macaque.Mk reeled his arm back and went to hit Macaque in the stomach but macaque managed to grab his fist before it made contact with his clothes.

Macaque was pushed back a little and a smile creeped on his face followed by a quick chuckle.

Mac:Wow kid,You throw quite a big hit.Except that's not your full potential.You could do better.
Mac:Well now I'm going to ask you to take this.

He threw him a bamboo stick and Mk held it with ease.Macaque asked mk to try and strike him.Mk did the following and missed,a lot.

When Mk did finally land a hit it was just a tiny scrape against Macaques fur on his hand.Macaque didn't seem impressed by this.

Mac:Wow kid,did Monkie king even teach you how to land a strike?
Mk:W-Well not much but he-
Mac:Look.Don't try and defend him.That's only going to make this worst for you when you have to face him.If anything just remember all the bad he did to you and caused you.

Mk looked at Macaque and then looked down at the floor.

Mac:Kid.If you don't want this say it now and you can go back to your dead friend and the people who probably hate you now.
Mk:I- I do want this!
Mac:Well then act like it.And please,just say "yes sir".
Mk:Y- Yes sir!Im sorry.

After a few more hours of training the went back inside and Macaque made something for them to eat.

While they ate:

Mk:So,do you know how long it will be for you to train me completely?
Mac:Not yet but if you cooperate and try we can do it quicker.
Mk:Ok,Do you have strategy to take Monkie king down?
Mac:Sorta,but we need to focus on your training.
Mk:Why do you hate Monkie king so much?
Mac:Why do you ask so many questions?!
Mk:A-Ah sorry...
Mac:*Sigh* It's fine just..I don't necessarily hate him...I just despise him.
Mac:*He finished eating*When you finish your food go and sit on the couch I'll be back I'm going to go get blankets and crap we'll need.
Mk:Yes sir!

After Mk finished eating he went and washed dishes then sat down on the couch and waited.

While he waited he became tired and decided to just lay down for a while but ended up falling asleep.
When macaque arrived back it was about 2 hours later he put all the stuff away and brought Mk to his bed.

Macaque placed Mk down and put a blanket over Mk and left the room.


Let me ask,do you guys want to end this story with shadowpeach or just a different version?

Have a good day/night and bye!!!!!

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