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It was the next day Macaque was making Mk run around a bit when he heard something coming from his side by the trees he thought.It was sort of a ringing noise.

Macaque went to go and check it out and didn't see anything so just brushed it off as being paranoid and went back to Mk.

As he walked back he heard it again.Macaque was Certain someone or something was there and looked again.

Nothing.Macaque was confused he could hear it,but couldn't see it.He walked back over to Mk and rushed him inside.

Mk:What is it macaque?
Mac:I don't know.

Macaque kept hearing it.Something.Ringing in his ears.He pressed his hands against his ears and hoping the noise would stop.

Mk:Macaque?Are you okay?

Mk was confused.He didn't hear it.Well couldn't hear it.

Macaque still could.It sounded louder now.Macaques ears started to hurt.

Mk didn't know what to do.Macaque had fallen on to his knees as the noise was unbearable for him.

Mk:Macaque?!What do I do?!
Mac:Agh!What Is this?!
Mk:I don't know?!

Macaque started to claw at his ears and it stopped and along with the stop came a golden-furred Monkey.

Sun wukong had shrunk and had a bell with him and while Macaque was busy with Mk he had made his way up to his ears.
He knew those were one of Macaques weaknesses and strengths and rung the bell.


Monkie king ran up to Mk and hugged him.Mk was shocked.

Sun:Bud I'm sorry..Please come back..Your friends and I miss you.
Mk:Let me go!!
Sun:No.I know you're better than this.

He squeezed Mk tighter holding him in place.


Macaque was struggling to process what was going on because he still heard the ringing of the bells but tried to ignore it and grabbed sun wukong.

Mac:Let him go.
Sun:NO!You took my Kid!!I want him back!!
Mac:Technically he chose me.
Sun:You made me seem like the bad guy!!
Mac:Maybe because you are.

Sun wukong went quiet for a moment.Mk still struggling to get out of his grasp.Mk tried to relax to get loose but he was panicking.

Swk:I'm taking him with me weather you like it or not.
Mk:Macaque don't let him take me!!
Mac:I won't kid.

Macaque made shadows which grabbed onto Sun wukong.He still held on to Mk.Mk calmed down a bit and wiggled his way out of Monkie kings grasp.

Swk:Mk!!Please..I'm sorry..
Mac:Sorry?Mk are you really going to believe him?
He let you watch your best friend die.
Swk:I was protecting you!
Mk:Shut up..
Swk:I didn't mean for that to happen!!I swear..But she's ok now!
Mac:Is she?But didn't she die?Thats still not justified.
Mk:shut up.
Swk:Mk believe me!!He's trying to make me the bad guy!!Im not I swear!!
Mac:Really?!Says the one who killed me!?Who left me.Abandoned me!!Didnt even come back for me!!
Mk:Stop fighting..

Sun wukong and Macaque argued as Mk stepped backwards tears streaming down his face.

Monkie king broke loss from the shadows and fought with Macaque.

Mk fell to the floor shaking..He didn't know what to do.He wanted Red.He wanted a hug.For everything to be quiet.

Monkie king got an advantage and rang some bells while fighting with Macaque causing him to fall and claw at his ears again.

Monkie king ran over to Mk and picked him up.
Mk fought back so Monkie king reluctantly hit Mk's head knocking him out.

Macaque got up just to see Monkie king run away.Macaque sighed and went to go and get Mk.But he wasn't there.

Mac:Crap.(I know I can curse but like..I don't feel like it so-)

Mk's head hurt a bit when he woke up.He sat up,he was in a bed.His bed.He was confused.He didn't know how he got there or why he was there.

As he stood up his door opened and Monkie king,Pigsy,tang,Sandy, and mei ran in.


Mk stared at Mei.She really was back.He went up and hugged her.

Pigsy:Kid why did you run away last time?!
Tang:Mk!!Where did he take you?!Did he do any kind of spell?Why did-
Swk:Stop berating him with questions.

Mk remebered.He remembered what happened.How Macaque and Monkie king fought.How he picked him up and hit him to knock him out.

Mk played dumb.He didn't want them to know.

Mk:My head hurts..What happened?

Mk needed to know what kind of lies Monkie king had told Them so he could play along.

Mei:Monkie king said that Macaque took you and was trying to keep you away from us!!
Sandy:We tried to go and find you.
Pigsy:You came back that one time..and ran away.Why was that?
Mk:I don't know what you're talking about.
Mei:Nevermind that,Mk are you okay?He didn't hurt you right.
Mk:No.not once.Are you okay?You're back now..I thought you'd be gone forever..
Mei:Of course I'm okay!

Monkie king stared at Mk.He knew.He was the only one who knew.He was lying.He was playing along.

Mei:Thanks to Monkie king you and me are back now!!
Swk:Mei.Can you guys leave for a moment.
Swk:Me and Mk need to talk.

Everyone had left the room and Sun wukong sat down.Mk felt scared and mad.

Swk:Are you going to tell them?
Mk:Clearly not.
Swk:*He sighed*Sit.
Mk:And why should I?

Mk sat down and Sun wukong sighed.

Swk:Mk.Can you just leave it in the past.
Mk:Leave what?!The fact she died?The fact you let me watch her?!YOU DIDN'T LET ME SAVE HER!!

Monkie king hugged Mk as he began to start crying.

Swk:I'm sorry.
Mk:I hate you I hate you i hate you..I
Swk:It's ok..
Mk:It's not..
Swk:You're ok now.
Mk: ...

Guys imagine if I just ended the story here-

Anyways,So yeah 😗

Have some drama right after some fluff 👁🫦👁

Have a good day/night and BUH BYEYEEYYEA.

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