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Macaque made a portal and brought them back to the house.

He grabbed Mk and threw him into the bathroom.Mk scratched at the door complaining while Macaque and Red son walked away and he eventually started a bath for himself.

Red:Why is he acting weird?!
Mac:Well his body is still processing a switch from his human self to being part monkey as of right now.
Red:Does he act like this with all his transformations?
Mac:Not really,he didn't fully transform and it had an affect that messed his head up a abit.
Red:Can he go back to human?
Mac:Hard to tell right now while he's still not fully aware of his actions and what not.
Red:Hm,Well will he be back to normal soon?
Mac:Why do you want to know~?*He asked grinning*
Red:I don't want him to..
Mac:Pull a move on you~?
Mac:It should settle down soon.Anyways,go see if he's done,you need a bath too.Borrow some of his clothes or something.
Red:Ok then.

Redson made his way to the bathroom and knocked on the door when he got there.

Red:Noodle boy?You ok?

Mk heard red and instantly scratched at the door again.Red untied the rope(Macaque locked the door from the outside with rope) And opened the door.

Mk instantly jumped at Red,his tail wagging really fast,and hugged him.He was still in the clothes from before.

Mk:I'm fine!
Red:Ah-Why weren't you taking a bath?
Mk:I got tired but I couldn't sleep and it was lonely in here!!
Mk:Well you're here now!!So..

Mk let go of Red and started undressing to get in the bath.(Bold af)

Redson instantly turned away his face Red.

Red:GIVE ME A WARNING WHEN YOU DO THAT!!*His hair started to light up*

Red son left the bathroom and shut the door behind him.He fell to the floor with his face red,And sat there for a while waiting.

About 10 minutes later Mk Finished and dried off with a towel and put some clothes on.

Mk:Finished!!*He walked out*
Red:*He sighed*Do you have any clothes I may borrow?

Mk went to grab clothes and Redson waited for Mk to bring him the clothes.Mk came back a few moments later and gave him some clothes.

Redson thanked him and then pushed him out of the bathroom.

He took a bath and a while later when he finished he came out to see Mk chatting with Macaque.

Mk:Plea-RED!!!*He ran and hugged Redson*
Red:What's going on?*He blushed a bit*
Mk:I want ice cream!!
Mac: you don't need it!
Red:I have some at my house,I can get it if you would like?
Mac:simp AHEM,I dunno,He's pretty hyper..
Mk:I'll go to bed early!!
Mac:Sounds like a deal to me.

Red son used his flames and brought himself home and went to the kitchen to grab some ice cream.He saw his mother on the way.

Red:Hello mother.
PIF:Where have you been?
Red:Ah-At a friends house.
PIF:Oh,What are you doing then?
Red:I was grabbing something then heading back.
PIF:Ok then.I'm off to bed,Be safe.Good night.
Red:Good night mother.
Pif:Oh by the way,like the shirt is it new?
Red:O-Oh!No it's my friends..*He blushed a bit*
Pif:"Friend" hmm.Ok then~

PIF walked away giggling a bit and Red continued to the kitchen and grabbed some Neapolitan ice cream then used his flames to head back.

Mk:YAY!!!Ice cream!!
Mac:Calm down or you're not getting any.

Red son scooped Mk a some of each flavor and gave it to him.

Red:Would you like any Macaque?
Mac:Hm,Sure.only Vanilla and chocolate though.

Red scooped Macaque some and gave it to him.He scooped himself some strawberry and vanilla.

While they ate their Ice cream Mk was almost done and Red was only 1/3 done so Mk got close to him.

Mk wrapped his tail around reds waist and Red almost dropped his ice cream and blushed.

Mk:Red!Can I feed you?
Red:Excuse me?!
Mk:I wanna feed you.
Red:Ahaha-Funny joke?

Mk reached over and took the spoon from red son and scooped some ice cream up and fed it to Red son.Red son was heating up.

Mk:Yeah!*He scooped up more and fed redson*
Mac:Stop playing around and finish your ice cream.
Mk:I'm going to feed red first!!
Mac:PFFT-Finish your ice cream or I'm sending you to bed now.

Mk took a scoop from his ice cream with reds spoon and ate it.(like I said BOLD AF)Red son sat there his face was red and his hair was slightly lit up.

Mk ate his ice cream while Red sat there,tail around his waist,Scarlet red,parts of his hair on fire.

After Mk finished his he put the spoon back in Reds and fed him again.This time Red couldn't take it and kinda just placed his face into the counter after he ate it.

Mac:You killed him.
Mk:W-What?!Reds dead?!
Mac:No I'm jus-

Mk shook red and Red was just letting it happen.He was beyond flustered.

Later,Mk ended up eating Reds ice cream for him because he couldn't even say anything let alone move because of how flustered he was.

Mac:Alright,like you said you'd go to bed early so,Chop chop.
Mk:But red won't move!!

Macaque made a portal and moved Red son to the room and Mk ran for Red.

Macaque sat back on the couch and relaxed.While also thinking of a way to get rid of "Her" or any mentions of "Her".😃

Mk ran to the room and saw red laid down on the bed and jumped on him and hugged him.

Mk:Good night Red!!
Red:G-Good Night..*He managed to finally get out*
Mk:YOU'RE NOT DEAD!!*He squeezed Red son harder*
Red:Noodle-Boy stop squeezing me-

Mk let Red go and moved his arms around Reds waist and wrapped his tail around Reds leg and cuddled into his side.

Redson once again heated up which made Mk snuggle into him even more.

And they fell asleep.

Back with Macaque,He had cleaned up and went to his room.In his room he picked up a picture.

A picture of him and Sun wukong when they were younger.

Macaque gave a tiny smile to the picture before putting It back down and heading to sleep.

😃  Mk likes teasing Red son.But what if red did it back??🤔🤔

Have a great day/night BYEYEYEYEYE-

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