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Holy crap y'all 😭🤚

Your long awaited pt.25

Kill me- this is so bad and cringy 💀

It's been a whole month-
I'm so sorry!!!

I didn't mean for this wait to be so extended but it is so-

Anyways,This story sucks.Like imo I don't like how it's going or the future plans are in my head.
But I'll continue this just for the sake of your guys sanity.

So this is going to be horrible but I've just learn to accept it and call it a day so


Macaque fell to the floor,next to the lifeless body..

This wasn't right.


He was shaking.He couldn't think straight.

This wasn't happening..He can't be dead.He's the Great sage.He's immoral for crying out loud!

Well was?

This wasn't what he wanted anymore,
It only made him realize...

He was just as worst.

Mk had moved himself away from Sun wukong.
He didn't want to see Him.

What "He" had done.

Redson tried his best to comfort Mk.
Mk latched onto Redson and held him tight.

They were all confused and didn't know how to feel.

Macaque eventually got tired of sitting around waiting for something to happen.

He stood up and picked up Sun Wukong.
Redson noticed and tried to ask him what he was doing.

Macaque fell through a portal before Red could speak.

Mk:Do you hate me?
Red:Of course not,Don't worry we're going to fix everything.Even if it's not now,we still will.
Mk:How..How can you stay so positive at a time
like this..!
Red:Don't worry about me,Are you okay?

Mk hugged Redson and he hugged Mk back.

Mk cried into Redsons shoulder once again and Redson starting to shake.

Red was scared..But didn't want to admit it.

They both were.

The only thing they could do is just sit around and cry.

Macaque fell through the portal only to land in the DBK mansion.

He went over to PIF and DBK's room and walked in.


Princess iron fan turned her head and saw Macaque his fur stained with tears and in his arms held Sun wukong.

PIF:Oh dear..
Mac:Please help him..
PIF:What happened?!
Mac: ..It Wasn't his fault..Or I don't think it was..I took him I shouldn't have..But then he..It's my fault I-
PIF:Calm down,Come with me.

PIF directed Macaque to the Guest room where he placed Sun wukong down on the bed.
PIF pulled in a chair and had Macaque sit down and explain to her what happened.

After he had explained PIF Wasn't as shocked as she should have been.

She already knew that Mk didn't enjoy the company of The great sage anymore..

But to kill him?

PIF:Why is it now,That he's dead,Do you wish to forgive him?
Mac: ..He didn't deserve thi-
PIF:But I thought this is want you wanted.
Mac:It was and I regret everything..I-I'm sorry..Please..
PIF:I thought the Great sage was immortal?
Mac:We don't know what happened..Or how But please..I'll do anything,Just help him.
PIF:Are you sure?
PIF:Hm.Fine,I'll help you.

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