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Psst!!-Hey.Another time skip-Sorry
This is 3 weeks later 🫠

Mac:Alright kid.Training time.
Mk:So what are we going to do?!
Mac:Well,We still need to fix your,Monkey problem.
So let's work on that for a bit then I'll let you practice with the shadows.

Mk spent some time on trying to turned back into his human form but still couldn't get it so they ended up just shifting over to training with the shadows.

Mk was able to defeat one of them in 3 minutes which was some good improvement from before.

Mk trained for a while but soon was very tired but Macaque made him continue.

Mac:Mk.Just a little lower.

Mk lowered his self and struck the shadow.But instead of landing a hit,his weapon ended up wrapping around the shadow.That was something cool Mk learned.

Macaque decided that because Mk would be stuck in a Monkie form he should us that to his advantage,Right?So he decided to teach Mk how to focus on one sound and pinpoint where it's from.

After training Mk went to his room and laid down but didn't fall asleep because he was waiting for Redson.

Red son was at home,He was building more machines for his parents but was made to go and eat dinner with his father and mother.

Dinner was good,the conversations weren't.
It was pretty dry and they didn't have anything good to talk about until princess iron fan brought up how Red had been going out for a while.

Pif:So,Redson.Want to tell us where you've been?
Red:Hm?What do you mean?
Pif:You've been going out every night,Don't think I haven't noticed.

Redson started blushing and just looked down for a while.

Red:N-No where important.
Pif:Hm,Well what about when you came home in that "Friend's" shirt?
Red:I-He is my frien-

Crap.He'd sold himself out.

Pif:So it's a boy?
Dbk:What's his name?
Pif:Is he a demon?
Dbk:Can we meet him?
Red:Gah..*His head shot of fire*
Pif:Redson.Your flames.
Red:Ah-Sorry!*He put them out*
PIF:So who is he?

Redson sat there his face Red and he was embarrassed.

Red:Do you promise not to get mad?
Pif:Oh,Hush darling.We won't.

Red grew more nervous when Dbk said that.

Red:*He sighed*Well,I might be going to see that ,onelittlenoodleboyiusetofightwith.*He wishpered out that last part*
Pif:Excuse me?
Red:*He sighed again*Noodle boy..

PIF and DBK became Shocked.They didn't know what to say and neither did Red so they all sat there in quiet for a while until Pif spoke.

Pif:Didn't he go missing though?
Red:We'll,He's been living with someone for a while and training to take down The great sage.
Dbk:So he's not with the great sage anymore now?
Red:You could say.

Back with Mk,He grew tired of Waiting for Red and went to go and eat dinner.He sat on the couch with Macaque and they watch Tv.

After they finished they chatted for a bit.Red son came over a bit later and Sat down next to Mk.

Mac:Ah,Red your boyfriend is going to be stuck like this for a while longer.
Red:Not My boyfriend.But why is he not turning back?
Mac:I dunno.Probably still processing itself or something.
Mk:But that's ok because I can still do this!!

Mk used his tail to grab Reds arm and Wrap it around himself.

Mk:Pretty nice isn't it?
Red:I suppose*He blushed a bit more*
Mac:Eh,Anyways I'm going to head off to bed so,You two no..Being loud or what ever.
Mk:Okay!!Good night!!
Mac:Night,Mk don't forget we still have training tomorrow.
Mk:Yeah yeah.

Macaque walked away and Mk got up and grabbed Reds arm and dragged him outside.

Red:What are we doing out here?
Mk:Come on!Follow me!

Mk started to walk away and Red caught up and Mk grabbed his hand.Even though Mk was back to his normal mindset he was still clingy.

Red:Where are we going?
Mk:You'll see~

They walked for a while until they made it to a tiny tent.Mk stepped inside and Red followed behind.

Mk:How do you like it!?
Red:It's nice.When did you set this up?
Mk:Earlier when Macaque was napping.
Red:Oh,So what are we doing here?

Mk reached into his pockets and pulled out some candies and two cookies.

Mk:I've got sweets!!Here!*He handed him a cookie*
Red:Thank you

Mk and red ate the candies and cookies,They talked for a while aswell.

Mk:So,How are your inventions coming along?
Red:Oh right!

Red son reached into his pocket and pulled out a box and handed it to Mk blushing.

Mk:What is it?
Red:Well I made it for you..

Mk opened it up and saw it was some kind of device.It was sort of like a phone but a little more technical.

Red:I was figuring..Maybe we could chat over devices sometimes..

Mk reached over and Hugged Red.

Mk:That's a great idea!! we can talk all day!!And I can Text you whenever!!We can chat forever!!

Red son sat there listening to Mk praise him and say all kinds of things.His face growing even More red every time Mk smiled.

Mk:It's fine,But like I was saying,Is your number already on here?
Red:Not yet,Here.

Red son grabbed the device and put in his contact.
Mk took the phone back and texted Redson.


Redson looked at his device and read "I see you!".
He smiled and laughed a bit.

They spent a while in the tent not realizing it was late.They eventually fell asleep after Red taught Mk how to use the device.

They next morning Mk woke up and didn't see Red so he peaked out the tent.

'Macaque? Red?' He thought to himself as he was about to step out the tent but Heard Macaque speak.

Mac:You two can't do this again.
Mac:Because it's not safe for him.They are still looking.
Red:But I'll keep him safe,they wont hurt him and won't even find him!!
Mac:I still can't risk it.She's still a disadvantage,We don't know when she'll come looking for him.
Red:But he'll be fine for now!
Mac:I'm not risking it just for his friend to stop by and say "Hey Mk,come on!I'm alive again!come back!" And he just leaves!!


Macaque and Redson froze.



have a great day/night Buh Byeeeeee!!!!!

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