Waffles 😋.4

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The next morning Mk was up early and Macaque was still sleeping.

Mk went to find something to eat when he heard a knock on the door.He went to open it and saw redson.

Mk:A-Ah hello!
Red:Oh,good morning..Noodle boy.
Mk:I- You know you can call me Mk.
Red:I know.Anyways,Where's Macaque?
Mk:I believe he's sleeping still.Why?
Red:I just forgot to notify him of something containing our conversation yesterday.
Mk:Oh,Well do you want to wait or I can leave a message for you..
Red:I'll wait.
Mk:Well come in.

Mk opened the door wider and Red son walked in.
He made himself comfortable and sat down on the couch.Mk went back to the kitchen and found some waffles.

Mk:Hey Redson!
Red:A-Ah yes?
Mk:You want some waffles?
Red:Oh,um..I suppose.I haven't ate today.
Mk:Ok,how many?
Red:I suppose 2 if fine.

Mk made waffles for the both of them and once he finished he placed them on the counter and called Red son over to eat with him.

As they ate,Macaque woke up and walked out to the kitchen and saw them(He heard them the entire time but tried to go back to sleep).He decided to make some waffles for himself too.

Mac:So Redson,Why are you back?
Red:Oh,Right!I need to tell you something.It's pretty urgent and I don't want to disclose this in front of the Noodle boy.
Mac:Hmm.Fine come with me.

Macaque and Red son stepped outside and Mk was confused as to what was happening but just continued to eat his waffles.

Later they both came back inside and Redson continued to eat as well.Macaque popped the waffles into the toaster once more now that they were cold.

While Mk was washing his dish he kept asking Redson questions and intruding in his personal space and life.

Mk:So what's it like living with DBK?
Red:He's my father so it's ok I suppose.
Mk:When did you start talking to Macaque?
Red:A few months ago.
Mk:Do you use hair spray to keep your hair up?
Mk:Do you have a hair tie that's fire proof or do you keep extras with you?
Mk:Can you-
Mac:Mk.Stop asking questions.
Mk:Oh!Sorry!Just curious.
Mac:Stop being curious and go get ready for training.
Mk:Ok!Bye Redson!

Mk ran off and went to go get ready while Red son sat there questioning his life. :)

Later Macaque decided to let Red son stay over and help attempt to teach Mk a few things.He only allowed this because Mk and Red son use to battle.

Mk was fine with this,until Red took off his coat.
(not Mk being his Gay Ahh 🤦) Mk hadn't seen Red without his coat before and kept staring at him.

Red son was wearing his sleeveless black top.He noticed that Mk kept staring and decided to play along a bit.
They started training with a bit of stretching and then Macaque let Mk and Red son battle for a bit.

Mk went down to strike his attack and Red moved behind him.Mk turned around and threw a hit a Him but Red quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to him.

They were face to face now.It took a moment for Mk to realize how they were standing but once he did he slightly blushed.Red son ever so slightly blushed aswell.

Macaque yelled for Mk to get a hit in instead of making Lovey eyes at Red.Mk went in for another strike but Red tripped him and Mk grabbed onto Redson for support but ended up bringing him down aswell.

Red:You didn't have to pull me down with you!!
Mk:You didn't have to trip me!!
Red:I was trying to not get hit!
Mk:Well..That's fair enough.But um..Can you get off me?

Red son had landed across Mk's chest and and Mk had landed flat on his back.

Red:Gah!Y-Yeah!Sorry about that.
Mk:It's fine!
Macaque:Ugh,Can you two stop flirting and keep training!!

When they got up,Red son was turned around dusting himself off so Mk took this to his advantage and took a hit at Him and he did hit him but only for Red son to get back up and charge at him.

They fought for a bit more and then macaque ended the fight by pushing them both to the ground.

Mac:Thank you for your assist Redson,But if I want Mk to focus you can't be around or else he'll pay attention to you.
Mac:Yes.Yes it is.
Red:I- Um..
Mk:He's joking around!!
Mac:No I'm not.Also Red son,Don't forget to get more intel on..

He looked over at Mk and then looked back at Red son.

Red:Alright then.Goodbye.
Mk:Bye Red!!
Red:Bye noodle boy.
Red son walked away and Macaque and Mk Went inside for a small break.

Heya!!Sorry for not updating this in a while 😅😅
I've forgotten...😶😶

Anyways,Sorry that I'm dragging this story along So quick.Every time I have an idea I try and jam it into a chapter.Which I really need to stop doing or else I'm going to run outta ideas-
So yeah,Sorry.

Anyways hope you have a good day/night and bye!!

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