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Tw: su!cide attempt

He wrapped the chain around his neck.

Immediately he was tackled down to the ground by Macaque, Redson, and Mei.
Sandy running over to help comfort him and Wukong taking the staff.

Mk:I- *He stumbled over his words*
Mei:W-WHY?! YOU- Mk..

Mk was sobbing.

Everything seemed like a blur.
He was so mentally fucked up.
All Smk could do is pout.

Smk:You we're so close to getting you little chance of happiness!

Mk was laid down on the ground. Macaque and Mei holding his arms down, while Redson held his body down so he couldn't get up.

Red:You asshole!! why the hell did you think that was okay?!
Mk:I'm sorry..
Red:No! Shut up. You tried to kill yourself?!
Mk:I- It's the only way-

Redson smacked Mk.

Red:Shut up!!
Mac:Redson, calm dow-
Red:No! He- I..      

Redson started crying again, his head pressed into Mk's chest.

Mk felt tears soaking his shirt and all he could do was cry along with Redson.

His breath was shaky, he was trembling, he could barely think.

Macaque and Mei slowly let go of his arms.

Mk quickly hugged Redson, both of them sobbing.

Mk held onto Redson then pulled Mei in and she started sobbing with them.

Smk:Ughhh! Can you stop? This is so annoying.
I should have just made him do it quicker.
Mac:You.. you did that?
Smk:Obviously.*He started laughing*
He doesn't deserve to be happy, so, I just gave a bit of influence on his mind~
Mac:What the hell are you?!
Smk:I'd be happy to know aswell. I never asked for this.

Smk rolled his eye and smiled.

Smk:Actually.. you know.. I can influence his mind as much as I want..
Mac:What are you going to do..
Smk:If he can't kill himself.. I'll just make him kill you guys!

He stared laughing. Smk sat upon a large stone, he crossed his legs and smiled.
Macaques eyes widen and he looks over at Mk, Mk's eyes are wide as he brings a hand up to Redsons throat.

Mk: No no no no.. please..

Mk's hand tightened around Redsons neck and mei tries to stop him, Mk's grip too strong.
As Redson struggled to breath, Mk cried, Macaque quickly running over, trying to stop him.

Mei:What do we do?!
Mac:I-I don't know!

Redson starts turning pale as Mk basically screams for Smk to stop.
Macaque having an idea but knowing he'll regret it later.

Macaque elbowed Mk's arm, almost snapping it, Mk screams out as his grip his released.

Redson gasp for air as he falls to the side on his hands.
Meis eyes are wide as she stared at this.
Mk crying and groaning in pain,
Sandy just not know what to do at all,
Macaque just staring at what he did.
Wukong just backing up away, he didn't know what to do, why this was happening, hell, non of them knew why this was happening.

Smk:Oh? Well this is something.
Mac:Look what you're doing?! YOU'RE INSUFFERABLE.
Smk:Yeah yeah, she's next.

Mk winces as he try to hold his arm still and then without hesitation he punches Mei in the stomach, yelling out in pain.

Mei falls back and groans.

Mei:Mk.. stop.

Mk can't even think anymore as the pain is over whelming.

He then goes to punch her again but is held down by a bunch of Macaques clones.

Mac:Mk, listen, you got to try and control this.
Mk:I-I can't..Please.. I-I don't want to hurt anyone..

Mk was sobbing, just apologizing, this sick thing just staring at him, a grin plastered on his face.

Smk:I just wish he was a willing partner, boo hoo.
Mk:P-Please.. stop..
Smk:Why should I, huh?
Mk:I-I please..

Smk rolled his eyes and walked over to Mei giving her a kick.

Smk:Pft- your friends are weak. Ha! What do you know, they are just like you.

Sandy was trying to help Redson, a bit scared to go over to Mei but once Smk walked away from Mei, he ran over and helped her.

Macaque was freaking the fuck out, he didn't know what to do, how to stop this, or anything.

And how could we forget about Wukong 😼

He was still processing everything, leaning against the tree,
The thought of killing Macaque playing in his head over and over.

Then it clicked, everything clicked.
Mk, his friends, the events that took place.
It all made sense.

It was like his brain was rewired.

(Don't question it, I'm trying to finish this 😭)

Smk:Well, what will it be Mk, you or your friends?
Mk:Please.. don't hurt my friends..

Smk went to say something but immediately moved out of the way as Sun Wukong threw a punch at him.

Smk: ugh!!
Sun: leave them alone.
Smk:Womp womp.

Smk snapped his fingers and Mk forced his way up from under Macaques clones and walked up to Smk, he held his arm as it was in an intense amount of pain.

Smk held Mk's chin.

Smk:Kill him.
Smk:Don't play stupid with me. Kill him. I know how bad you wanted to, so do it again.
Mk:N-no. No please.. I- I can't.
Smk:That's ashamed.

Smk grabbed Mk's arm and bent it further.
Mk screaming out, trying to pull away.
Sun Wukong pushed Smk off Mk.

Mk sobbed. Why did this happen to him?
Why does he have to feel this pain?

Smk laughed and quickly made it behind Wukong and knocked him down.

Hey guys, how's it been 😁?

Hopefully good, anyways, it's been forever since I posted so I'm hoping I can get out like 2-3 more parts and be completely done with this, I know I take months to post but I'm super busy with stuff 😭

Sorry that this is cringey and boring now, I know some of yall are just trying to finish this. 😭

Have a good day/night BuuuuuuhhhhhH ByeeEeeeeeeee


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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