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Redsons parents had been keeping Redson busy for a while making him build more Bull bots because DBK kept breaking them.

So,Whenever Red had a break he would text Mk and They would chat back and forth for a while.

Mac:Kid get off your phone.You need to practice.
Mk:Hold on its Red.
Mac:It's always Red son.*🤦*

Mk was texting Redson when macaque came from behind him and took the phone.

Mac:Hmm,Let's see what you two are talking about.
Mk:W-Wait!!Give it Back!!
Mac:Nope!*He started looking through the messages*
Mac:Pfft- You two are cringy.

Mk started turning Red and began trying and force the phone from Macaque which he almost got but Macaque held onto it tighter.

Mac:A date?
Mac:He said "So when do you want to do that date?"
Mk:Give me my phone!!

Mk took it from macaque and scurried off.Mk looked at the phone and blushed.


Mk:Whenever is fine with me!!

Red:I don't have any plans for tonight.

Mk:I shouldn't have any if Macaque doesn't Kill me for not paying attention.

Red:Haha.Well,I'll come by and get you?

Mk:Sure!Do I have to dress well?

Red:It's more preferred.

Mk:Ok!!See ya!


Mk turned Red.He was finally going to go out with Redson.The Redson.

Mac:Found you.
Mac:So,Did the simp finally ask you out?Don't lie.
Mk:Maybe...We were thinking about tonight, is that ok with you?
Mac:Ew,Cringy but sure.Anyways,I recon you get back to training or you're not going.

Mk and Macaque went back to training.Mk was able to land one hit on the shadows and they would fall.He was improving.So macaque let him try five at a time,It might be too many but it's still a try.

Mk took out three of them and then one grabbed a hold of him.He was stuck and tried to wiggle his way out but another on kept hitting him.

Mac:Kid.Try and relax.
Mk:I'm Literally getting do I do that?!
Mac:Just try.

Mk tried but the constant hitting and him squirming made him mad and he ended up using his powers to get out of the shadows grasp.

Mac:*He sighed*Kid.You should only use your powers if it's important.
Mk:I know.But I was getting mad.
Mac:*He sighed*Well next time try not too.
Mac:Well,Now I want you to give me 100 push ups.Right now.
Mk:You're kidding?Right?

Mk got down and started doing push ups.It took about 10 minutes but he finished.

Macaque then made him do 100 sit ups.Mk was exhausted after this.But was told to go 150 jumping jacks.

Mk:Don't you think 100 is enough?!
Mac:Nope.You're not physical ready so I think you should start doing 100-200 of everything daily.
Mk:You're going to kill me!!
Mac:Maybe if you don't get into physical shape I might.
Mk:I- Ok.

Macaque made Mk do 150 jumping jacks then let him go and get water only for him to come back and have to run around the house 50 times.
(Work out 💪- no but seriously I could never,I'd be exhausted after the 2 lap.)

Later after they finished mk went to go and see if he had any clothes that would be appropriate for the date but he really only had a few shirts and pants that were mostly alethic.

Mk went over to ask Macaque if he had any clothes he could borrow and Macaque said no,so Mk asked if he could go back to his old apartment and grab some clothes.

Macaque was reluctant but allowed him to go ONLY if he stayed hidden and didn't talk to anyone.He meant Nobody.

Mk agreed and threw on a jacket and pull the hood over his head and was on his way.

He arrived there an hour and a half later.He stood there for a moment. "Pigsy noodle".He wanted to run in there and give Pigsy and Tang a big hug.

He never showed it but he really missed everyone.He wanted his old life back.But he was also happy with his new one.He went upstair and walked to his room.

He went and grabbed his clothes and put then in a bag and when he turned around he was Met with Pigsy.


Mk panicked he didn't know what to say.

Pigsy: ...Mk?

"No no no no no.He knows!!What do I do?!Hes going to tell everyone I'm here and they aren't going to miss me,they'll probably hate me and-"

Mk's mind went quiet as Pigsy hugged him.

Pigsy:Kiddo!We missed you.Monkie king told us Macaque kidnapped you and we've been looking ever since.

Mk stayed quiet.Kidnapped?He was trying to cover for Mk.

Pigsy:Come inside.Are you okay?Did he hurt you?!
Mk:Let me go.

Pigsy's let go of Mk and he quickly sprinted away with the bag of course.

Pigsy tried to catch up but Mk got away.He ran all the way to the house.

When he got there he acted normal like nothing had happened.He walked inside and Macaque looked at him but then just turned backs around and watched Tv.

Mk went into his room and shut the door.He cried a bit,Trying to muffle himself so Macaque couldn't hear.Mk missed Pigsy.He missed everyone.

'Knock knock'

Mk:Y-Yeah!!*He tried to sound normal*
Mac:You ok?You sound like you're crying?
Mk:Yeah I'm fine!!I think it's just the wind or something.
Mac:Well I'm coming in.
Mk:N-No wait!!Um..I'm Naked!!
Mac:Weird but ok.

Macaque walked away as Mk was trying to wipe and clean his face off.When he did finish cleaning it off he went through his clothes and found something nice enough.



This was a pretty boring chapter ☹️

Have a good day/Night BUHH bYWEEEE!!

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