Conscious. 9

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🙉🙈🙉 boo!!

After Mk and Redson's little flirting thing they ended up falling asleep.

While they slept Macaque had gotten ready to leave.
He was going to go and visit an old friend.

He used his shadow portal and made it to a mountain.He looked around for a bit but no sign of Him.

He ended up just sitting down waiting.

An hour later he hear noise and got up and went to go check it out.

"Sun Wukong."

Macaque stared as Wukong walked into the waterfall curtains.Macaque made his way in behind Sun Wukong without him knowing.

Monkie king went in and started to take off his armor and place it down but while doing so he heard something and turned around to see nobody.

He brushed it off as him being paranoid and turned back around.


Sun Wukong turned around again but this time was met with Macaque.

Mac:Too late,He chose me.
Mac:No need to yell I'm right here.*He rolled his eyes*
Sun:I-Just give him back..Please...
Mac:Tsk,Sorry,He's staying with me.

Sun Wukong continued to argue with Macaque,while doing so Macaque stepped towards Him and he stepped backwards.

Sun Wukong ended up backing into the bed and fell over on to it and macaque pinned him to the bed.

Sun:Get off of me!!
Mac:But peaches~
Sun:Ah-D-Don't call me that!!
Mac:Peaches why are you so mad?I thought you cared for me~
Sun:Not anymore now that you took my kid!!
Mac:Hm.He's my kid now~
Sun:His friends are worried.Can you just..I'll do anything..Please...*His eyes formed tears*
Mac:Ugh,Don't go bursting your waterworks.I'm not giving him back.And don't think that "She" can take him back.

Sun wukong looked shocked.He didn't know that macaque knew about "her".


Sun:If anything,Mei is the only thing that could get Mk to come back!!
Mac:Good to be noted.Thanks.
Sun:You're so irritating!!
Mac:Well,I'm here because I wanted to know-
Sun:I'm not telling you anything!!
Mac:Calm down,Now.Did you ever really train Mk?
If so what did you teach him?
Sun:I'm not telling you.
Mac:Ugh boring.
Sun:Just give the kid back..
Mac:Anyways I'll be off now~               Don't miss me to much~
Sun:I hate you.
Mac:Love you too peaches~

Macaque leaned down and gave Sun Wukong a kiss before disappearing into his portal.

Monkie king laid there.He was trying to process what had happened but just turned really red.He was mad,Sad,angry and a lot more.

When macaque arrived to the house he walked inside and heard mk and Red talking but didn't feel like going over to them.

Red:It's okay I swear.
Mk:B-But I- But you-GAAAAH.
Red:Look you're back to normal that's all that matters.

Mk's face was completely red because he was now finally aware of things and remember what he had done for the pass few days.

Red:It's fine.
Mk:I Literally fed you!!
Red:And used my spoon to eat your ice cream-
Red:Calm down,at least you have a tail now?
Red:I-Really you don't remember that?
Mk:I forgot...Ermm..*Mk grew nervous and embarrassed*
Red:What's wrong?
Mk:I'm sorry..I didn't mean to do any of that..I wasn't in the right mind..I'm sor-
Red:Don't apologize.You do that too much.

Mk sat there his face was completely red and he was having mixed emotions.

Redson was sat next to him and decided to give him a hug.

Mk:When I did..All of that..Did I make you uncomfortable?
Red:O-Oh..Umm,Well a little,Bu-
Mk:I'm sorry..
Red:N-No it's fine!
Mk:But I made you uncomfortable!!
Red:I could careless,I enjoyed a little of it..

Macaque decided to walk over to the room to see what Mk and Red were up to.When he got over to the door and opened it he saw Red son giving Mk a kiss on the cheek.

Mac:Wow don't every one say hi at once.
Mac:Hm,What's up?
Red:Noodle boy is now fully conscious.
Mac:Finally,Now we can do some real training.
Mk:Oh macaque,Sorry if I did something that made you uncomfortable aswell.
Mac:The only thing you did to me was annoy me and disobey me.
Red:Stop apologizing or I'm going to tape your mouth shut!!
Mac:Well I'll let you to get back to suck eachother faces,I'm making lunch by the way.
Red:Ah-Are you going to ignore what he said?!

Mk turned to Red and stared at him and the word "Food" came from his mouth.


Macaque left and Mk and Red sat there still hugging because they had never let go.

Red:So~Back to what I was doing-

Red son kissed Mk's cheeks over and over again and Mk was turning Red and being overflowed with Affection.Red son was also Heating up but was cheering up Mk so it was worth it.

Red:Pfft-You're adorable..Ah- I u-Um mean-
Mk:Too late can't take that back!!

Red put his head down in embarrassment and Mk took the chance to kiss Red on the forehead.

Mk:I got you!!
Mk:Aw,Don't pout!You're adorable too!!

Red son heated up more.At this Point it was obvious they both liked each other but nobody wanted to act on their feelings just yet.


Not macaque always walking in at the wrong moment-

Anyways,I'm trying to squeeze as much Spicynoodles in with this as I can because Red son is going to have a bit of a role later on. 🫢🤫

Have a good day/night Buh BYE!!!

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