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As we walked through Incheon Airport, Yuna and I were so excited to start our trip out strong. Sans the fact we were probably about to crash from jetlag.

"Are you ready for the best three weeks of your life?" Yuna asked me with a huge smile on her face.

I smiled back and jumped up and down a bit, super hype to plan our trip even more. As we waited for our luggage to come out of the plane we noticed a large crowd of people start to form behind us. Ignoring the growing noise, we patiently watched the other's luggage come around the carousel I looked over my shoulder to see paparazzi and a bunch of hyper looking girls.

"I wonder who they're trying to catch a glimpse of?" I asked Yuna, she shrugged and looked curiously like me.

Before I could respond again someone bumped into me from behind, sending me into the luggage carousel and before I could even turn to glare they were gone.

"What a dick!" I said to Yuna.

"The way he didn't even apologize... looks like he was in a hurry though." She glared at the back of the guys head. He and several others looked like they were rushing somewhere fast.

Finally our luggage came around and we grabbed it, pushing our way through screaming girls and paparazzi who seemed to be backing off. Noticing no one was walking through the airport so they started to disperse. We made our way out of Incheon and toward the car park to pick up our rental.

We noticed a group of guys standing off to the side and a large looking guy dressed in all black arguing with the rental guy.

"Damn, wonder what happened." I whispered to Yuna.

"Isn't that the asshole who shoved you into the carousel?" She ignored my statement and glared at the man standing ten feet away from us. I finally looked at him and noticed he was also dressed in all black and had a baseball cap on.

I noticed his friends were all dressed relatively the same as well.

"It doesn't matter, it's over and done with." I told her, rolling my eyes.

After what seemed like eternity the burly man walked over to the group of boys and Yuna and I walked up to the rental guy.

Given the face Yuna can speak Korean I stood off to the side, picking up bits and pieces of their conversation. However, the mood shifted when Yuna legit went,

"What the hell do you mean you don't have our rental?" In clear as day English.

My eyes widened and I noticed out the corner of my eye the group of boys and, what looked like I guess their body guard, whipped their head toward us.

I nudged her to chill out and she calmed down but was still heated.

"I'm sorry," the guy said in broken English, "it will be a few hours before your car will be here. We've been having issues today." He bowed in an apology and I shrugged at a heated Yuna.

"Let's get food while we wait okay?" I suggested and she frowned but nodded anyway.

We walked past the group of boys again and I noticed several of them stared at us, and I made eye contact with the one who ran into me.

His brown eyes pierced into mine and he had a set face that seemed to frown at most things. Until another boy got his attention and and he smiled at him. He was incredibly good looking but I was just annoyed he shoved me out of the way.

So I continued to follow Yuna through the airport in search of food.

"Do you want to try traditional Korean food?" She asked and I nodded my head yes.

"Perfect, let's go here."

I looked up at the sign that read: Deokingwan.

"What type of food is it?" I asked her as we walked in.

"It's Korean Southern Cuisine! So, they have Damyang pork rib, Southern minced pork barbeque, Damyang mudfish stew, and Southern beef bone soup and more." She said and I nodded.

"Can you order me the same thing you get?" I asked shyly, still getting used to a new country and getting a feel for everything.

She nodded and laughed, telling me to go sit at a table and wait for her.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and opened Kakao to let my family know we had landed and realized it was 3 in the morning where I was from so they'd respond in the morning there. As I was scrolling through social media I noticed the group of guys earlier had also walked in. I watched them talk for a moment before a blonde and brunette walked up to the counter to order as Yuna walked back to the table with a number and explained our food would be out in a moment.

"I think they're famous." I said as she sat down.

She raised an eyebrow at me and subtly turned around to look.

"What makes you say that?" She asked turning back around.

"They have a bodyguard and they're kind of dressed like they're hiding themself from people." I said.

Before she could respond they brought out our food and we both thanked them and began to eat.

"The way I'm exhausted but starving at the same time?" I said.

"No, same. I'm hoping we get the call about our car soon so we can get to the Airbnb and crash." She said.

"The way I'm gonna pass the actual fuck out." I said back and she laughed but we also heard several other laughs.

It came to our attention that the group of guys say several tables behind us, and Yuna raised and eyebrow at them.

"Well okay then..." I said trailed off eating a piece of beef. "This tastes literally amazing, oh my God." I said and she nodded.

We ate in silence with the occasional statement here or there but noticed the guys behind us were super loud and laughing with one another. The thing that threw me for a loop was the fact two of them had an Australian accent and spoke English occasionally.

"I'm telling you, they're famous." I whispered to her over the table and she nodded.

"Imagine if they're a K-pop group." She said raising her eyebrows.

"What like GOT7?" I asked.

"Yes, like GOT7, I like how you picked them as a comparable group." She laughed out loud.

"I know sometimes people get mad to be compared to BTS all the time, plus GOT7 is awesome as well." I laughed with her.

She and I joked with one another and finally got the phone call about our rental car being ready and headed out to the car park once again.

"Let's get this trip started!" She shouted in the car turning music on and getting the GPS going.

We were headed down to Busan first to start our trip, would head to Daegu in a few days, and stay the rest of our trip in Seoul until we left in January. I was excited to have a break after my first semester of graduate school and I know Yuna was happy to be off work for a bit.

Little did we know this was the beginning of a really insane trip that would last a lifetime in our memories.

SEOUL MATES | Seo Changbin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now