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Changbin's POV



Brooke and I sat for another hour talking over what happened which resulted in me warning her that Yuna was back at the dorms waiting with the guys in their cars before we all go up and celebrate Christmas together. Meaning the nine of us, with the eight of them. Which was a lot of people in one main room, but we'd make it work.

She not only had the entirety of Stray Kids, sans Minho who Chan told to stay behind, and BTS looking for her over this city. I know Yuna was going to give her an earfull, and same with Minho too probably.

"Are you ready to go back and actually celebrate Christmas?" I asked her.

We kind of skirted around the conversation of me confessing my love to her earlier, because we didn't need to talk about it right now, and she didn't seem to want to keep talking about going back to America any time soon.

"Yeah, let's go," she said, giving me a weak smile. 

We drove back in mostly silence, just my radio playing in the background and I kept glancing at Brooke. You could tell she had been through a lot with just one conversation with Minho and I almost didn't want to put her in a room with him.

How dare he assume all those things about her? I thought angrily. 

At the end of the day, I can't hate him because I know he thought he was doing what was best, but I know he hurt her. And it was my job to make sure that never happens again.

As we pulled into the parking garage, I saw Namjoon's car and a couple of other cars, indicating the rest of BTS was also parked here. I pulled in next to Namjoon and Brooke got out of the car, waving at him through the window. He made a face and gestured to his left, indicating Yuna just got out of the car too.

"Fuck," I heard her say.

"Are you fucking insane?!" I heard someone shout from behind my car.

My eyes went wide, and so did Namjoon's, we both rushed to get out of our cars.

"Do you have any idea how fucking worried I was?! You wondering around Seoul by yourself! Could you be any dumber?!" Yuna yelled and Brooke just stood there taking the brunt of it and not changing her face. 

"Literally, what the fuck Brooke?" Yuna said and I saw the rest of BTS peeking from behind their cars while me and Namjoon stood on the side hoping we wouldn't have to step in and prevent any violence. 

"Sorry," Brooke said.

"That's all I get?" Yuna said, crossing her arms.

Man, I would not want to have her mad at me. I thought.

"I'm not entirely sure what else to say," Brooke said.

Yuna rolled her eyes and pulled her into a hug.

"If you ever do that shit again, I am going to kill you," she said to her friend.

"You," she said, immediately turning toward me and my eyes went wide in fear.

"Where the fuck is Minho," she sneered.

"Right this way everyone," I said and led them toward the elevator, Brooke came up and held my hand as the ten of us crammed into the elevator.

"Oh, guys, this is Brooke by the way, and Changbin," Namjoon introduced us, trying to defuse the tension that was about to rise.

"Nice to meet y'all," Brooke said.

"Hey," I said, waving at them with my other hand.

"Hi," they all said back to us, smiling, and making sure not to set off Yuna.

The elevator dinged, and we all got off. I led them down the hallway, pulling my phone off to warn Chan what was about to happen.

Shit, seriously? He texted back almost immediately. 

Yuna is PISSED. I emphasized in my message back.

"So, fair warning, the main room isn't huge, but you all can sit wherever there is space," I said to them behind my shoulder.

"Oh shit, guys we forgot all the gifts in the cars," j-hope said.

"Can you all go without me, I want to witness this interaction that is about to happen," Jimin said back in Korean.

Yuna snorted, but her face was still set in an angry look.

Suga grabbed the back of Jimin's shirt and turned him around as the six others went to get the gifts from the car, Namjoon staying to keep Yuna in line. I noticed he was still holding her hand, but that wasn't going to help with the shit show that was about to go down. I stopped in front of the door, indicating to Suga who nodded, understanding this is where they would come back to.

"I left your gift in Lee Know's car," Brooke whispered, and I just squeezed her hand and nodded that it was okay and we would get it later.

As soon as I unlocked, the door before I could even open the door, Yuna shoved me out of the way and went inside, ready to raise hell.

"Ah, fuck," Namjoon said behind me.

"Where the fuck is he?" She said, and I looked through the door to see the guys all scared of her, they immediately pointed to his bedroom.

Damn, you all really outed him immediately, but he deserved it today. I thought. 

The three of us walked in and went toward the couches where I had Brooke sit between Felix and Chan and I sat on the ground in front of her, almost blocking her in but protecting her more than anything. Namjoon took a seat on the other couch by Hyunjin and the two of them shared a look that read 'oh shit'. 

"Minho, open this damn door, right now!" Yuna banged on his door and shouted.

"Are we really going to let her yell at him?" Seungmin asked.

"She's twice his age, let her go off, she's tired of dealing with childish shit," Brooke said, looking at something on her phone, not even phased.

"Minho if you don't open this door, I will break it down," Yuna said through the door.

Before she could say anything else he opened it and glared at her, then realized the rest of us were all sitting around and not doing anything to prevent this. I glared at him and he realized Brooke was here and his face softened.

"You mother fucking, son of a bitch," Yuna said. 

Everyone shot their heads toward her, eyes wide. I saw Namjoon cover his face slightly but still watching what was going on.

"Who the actual hell gave you the right to say what you did to Brooke? Let alone what you thought about her? You really think she's that heartless? Because as of right now, the heartless one is you. She did nothing wrong and if you can't stand to see one of your best friends happy because he found someone who treats him right then you need to get the hell over it," Yuna said. "If you ever treat my best friend the way you did today again, I will hunt your ass down, and make sure you regret every moment of your life leading up to that moment, do you understand me?" 

"Yes," he said, staring at her wide-eyed.

"Now," she said, realizing that the rest of BTS had walked through the door to hear all of that as they held all the gifts. 

"We are going to have a great Christmas, everyone go sit the fuck down and I don't want any complaining, do you understand?" She said angrily.

"Yes, ma'am." All of us simotaneously said, minus Brooke who still stared at her phone. 

And so after that, BTS squeezed into spots amongst us, Minho went and sat by Jeongin who looked ready to slap him, so did Han. And we exchanged gifts, all while Brooke stayed quiet, only saying thank you when someone gave her something. And I knew later I would sit and actually talk with her, or just hold her, either way I would be with her tonight until she was okay again. 

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