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Brooke's POV



I wasn't entirely sure how Changbin and I got into this car and back to the Airbnb. I wasn't even sure how drunk I was, or how drunk he was. All I knew is I wanted to get into bed and sleep for the next forty-eight hours. I leaned myself onto Changbin's shoulder and opened my phone, realizing it was almost eleven at night, there's no way we sat in that restaurant for four hours? Was there? I wasn't sure, I did need to figure out how to get into the Airbnb though...

I should pull up the code to unlock the door... I thought to myself.

"What are you doing?" Changbin asked, and I noticed his voice was slightly deeper than usual.

Probably from the alcohol. I thought.

"Oh, pulling up the code to unlock the door so I can get in," I explained but he snatched my phone from my hand so fast, that I couldn't process what just happened.

"What just happened...?" I asked, confused.

"I'll tell you in a bit," and I looked up and saw his eyes were darker but he was staring at the review mirror. I decided not to pry and we remained silent the last ten minutes of the drive.

As we got out of the car, Changbin made sure I didn't leave any of my stuff, and I realized I might be drunker than I thought, but he seemed to be much more sober.

"Ah, you forgot this." He came out of the car holding my purse. I snatched it quickly, and with my face heating up I put it over my shoulder. 

"At least one of us is sober..." I said as the car drove off.

"Not really, I just know to pay attention to things like that, especially because you are drunker than me. I still am not sober." He said, handing my phone back.

"So, why did you snatch my phone?" I asked as he pulled his phone out.

Before he could do whatever it was he was trying to do, he explained.

"I didn't want you accidentally reading it out loud, while drunk, and the creepy dude who kept checking you out while driving show up to your place in the middle of the night." He explained.

"I mean he still could..."

"But, he doesn't have a code and can't get in." He stated.

That was a fair point. I could feel my face heating up more from embarrassment so I started to walk toward the door when I stumbled. 

"Come on, let's get you inside." He said, grabbing my hand. "Then I have to order a car to take me home." He said.

"You could always stay," I said when we got to the door. I could feel him freeze next to me, and stare at me as if I had three heads when I offered him to spend the night.

Of course, I wasn't meaning this sexually, but more of a, I'll know he's safe since he's intoxicated.

But also, maybe I wasn't ready for our date to end yet... I thought to myself. 

He didn't say anything as I unlocked the door and walked in, him walking behind me. We made sure to take our shoes off at the door and I noticed Yuna's weren't there. I made a mental note to send her a text, and either she would be asleep in the other room...

Or, she's with Namjoon still... I again thought, smirking slightly and opening my phone to text her.

You home? I asked, locking my phone right after. 

"My room is this way, come on," I told him and he followed me down the hall of the small house we were staying in during our vacation. 

I opened the door and turned the light on, heading to the window to close the blinds.

"This is cozy," he said, sitting on the bed.

"Yeah, I like it here a lot. It's a cute house, and I love the area we're staying in. I owuldn't mind staying here again or even living here someday." I responded, heading to the bathroom to take makeup off and change into pajamas. 

"Uh, you don't happen to have anything I could sleep in do you?" He asked, and I saw he was blushing slightly.

"You're a guy, don't all guys sleep shirtless or in underwear or something?" I raised an eyebrow and his blush deepened.

"Look, Binnie, I am not planning on sleeping with you tonight, and by sleeping I mean sex. I trust you enough to lay there and we just sleep." I said with my hands on my hips waiting for him to respond.

"I wasn't planning on us having sex..." he mumbled, standing up to get undressed, or I assumed that's what he did because I closed the door and did my nightly routine in the bathroom while he did whatever it is he needed to do.

"I have an extra toothbrush in here you can use by the way!" I called through the door.

"Thank you." I heard back through the door. 

I finished up in the bathroom and threw my hair up and walked back into the room, only to run smack-dab into a shirtless Changbin. 

Now granted, we were about the same height, I was about 173cm and he was 170cm, there wasn't that much of a difference, however, I was not expecting my hands to land on a perfectly toned torso, much less the man I just had a first date with. I remained diligent, locked eyes with him, and stopped myself from checking him out.

You can do that later, Brooke. I thought to myself, apologizing to Changbin and walking to the bed as he went into the bathroom laughing under his breath. 

I never whipped out my phone so fast in my life to text Yuna. Only to see she already messaged me.

Uh... at Namjoon's... She texted back, I'd ask her about that later because the next moment my fingers were flying across the screen to text as fast as I could before Binnie came back out of the bathroom.

YUNA. THIS MAN, IS SO FREAKING TONED, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOLY SHIT I AM DYING, OKAY HAVE FUN LOVE YOU GOODNIGHT. Was the text I sent her, I quickly locked my phone and plugged it in before pulling the covers over me. 

I felt my phone vibrate about ten times, and I knew she was texting me back probably confused but also like 'what the fuck are you saying to me right now.', but I was more impressed I typed that clear as day with how drunk I was right now.

"You okay?" He asked, walking out of the bathroom and I felt my eyes slip down slightly to realize this man not only had a six-pack but he was also in his boxers. I quickly shot my eyes back up to his only to see his eyes had darkened, and he was smirking. I ignored it and answered his question.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired." I chuckled awkwardly, hoping he doesn't say anything.

"I get that," he said, walking closer to the bed. "Also, taking a picture will last longer." He teased.

"Oh, please. I can admire someone for how they look." I teased back, but I knew my face could be read from a mile away, as I was blushing from being caught.

"Uh-huh, sure," He said, and I thought he was going to just get in the bed, but he grabbed the other two pillows I had and threw them on the floor.

I guess my face was confused because the next thing I knew he started cracking up.

"Look Brooke, I like you, but I don't think we should sleep in the same bed together, at least on the first date," he teased, grabbing the extra blanket I had off the foot of the bed. 

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you to... I mean... Sorry, if I came off that way." I said.

He turned off the light and I heard him lay on the floor, which I knew wouldn't be comfortable.

"As you said, we aren't having sex tonight." And that was the last thing I heard before I crashed for the night.

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