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Changbin's POV



As we headed to the restaurant, we stopped at Yuna and Brooke's Airbnb and dropped Yuna off. Apparently, today was their last day here in Daegu, so I was unsure if they were leaving the country tomorrow, or what. I needed to find out though. It was like my last dying wish almost, needing to know everything about this girl I barely knew. 

She was deep in conversation with Felix and Chan about something and we were waiting for the meals to come to the table to start cooking. I couldn't help but admire her. I barely even knew her but I was enthralled with this woman. She was funny, from what I could tell, super smart. Given the fact she was in graduate school, I knew she was smart. However, she seemed to dial down how smart she actually was. Especially when asked about it, she seems to think more people aren't really interested in learning. 

Her eyes twinkled when she smiled and her laugh was contagious like Seungmin's and Felix's. I couldn't tell why I was so interested in her when I literally only met her today essentially. It was almost as if we were meant to find one another, but here I am sitting next to her unable to even talk to her. I found myself internally begging myself to get to know her more. I needed to know everything about her, become her best friend, and become someone who would be there for her whenever she needed it. It was like we were soulmates, but I couldn't tell because I barely knew her. 

After another thirty minutes of talking amongst ourselves, the food came out and I saw how her face lit up over the sight of dumplings and I couldn't help but smile.

"What?" She asked, and I realized she had been watching me the entire time, and putting dumplings on her plate at the exact same time. 

"Oh, I thought it was amusing how excited you got over dumplings..." I said, not sure how to explain I had actually been admiring her this entire time. 

"Yeah, I call myself a dumpling whore, so they're pretty much the best thing I could ever eat." She said wholeheartedly, and Lee Know choked on his bite of food from laughing at her statement. 

Almost all of us laughed, but she didn't care and that was something else I admired. It was like she only cared about those closest to her, but somehow, even after meeting famous people she treated us like she knew us forever. At least I think she was treating us as if we had all been friends for a long time.

I took this as an opportunity to talk to her one-on-one and actually get to know her finally. Especially since Felix and Chan were talking about something by themselves now.

"So, do you and Yuna go back to the US tomorrow?" I asked, a good opening question for a basic conversation.

"Oh, no. We head to Seoul tomorrow for the last two and a half weeks of our trip." She explained, taking a bite of her food.

"Wait, you're going to Seoul, tomorrow?" I asked.

If she goes to Seoul, then maybe I can ask her to go out with me and get to know her even more but by ourselves without the prying eyes of the guys. I thought to myself. I saw Hyunjin look at me from the corner of his eye at the question I just asked her, but I gave him a look that said 'leave it alone'. She seemed to contemplate how to answer me, however, it might have also been the fact she was enthralled with her food. 

"Yeah, we leave first thing in the morning to bring our rental back, then we're taking the train all the way back to Seoul since she's never done it in all the times she's been here, and I've never been on a train at all. I'm actually really excited." She said.

"Oh, that's super cool. I think you'll both enjoy that. Maybe we'll see you around Seoul since we all leave for there tomorrow as well." I said casually.

Now I had caught the attention of the others, and I think Chan sensed something in my voice because in the next moment he took it upon himself to open his mouth.

"Brooke!" He said, getting her attention. 

"Chan!" She said back in the same voice.

"Give us your Kakao, or Line, or whatever app you use to talk to people back home while you're here." He said, pulling his phone out. And suddenly six other guys pulled out their phones and started to pass them to her. 

We only just met this girl and they trusted her enough to give her their information. So, I pulled out my phone too.

This makes it easier to start a conversation too, I'll message her tomorrow while we both head to Seoul. I thought to myself again and smiled. 

"Uh, okay." She said taking each phone one by one and adding them to her Line. 

Each of the guys sent her a message so she could talk to them whenever, and I realized Lee Know sent her a cute sticker, so I would need to make it known soon I had intentions of getting to know her more. But I also realized I need to not freak out since maybe he's just being nice. 

Changbin, you need to chill man. I said to myself. 

"I'm making a group chat!" Han said from down the table. 

She laughed and I could tell she was really enjoying hanging out with us and vice versa.

"How old are you by the way Brooke?" I asked her, taking another bite of my dinner. 

"Oh, I'm twenty-two." She said also continuing to eat.

"So you literally are our age?" I.N said.

"I guess so, how old are you all?" She asked.

"Chan is twenty-five, Lee Know is twenty-four, I'm twenty-three, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, and Seungmin are all twenty-two like you, and Jeongin is twenty-one," I said to her.

"When are your four's birthdays?" She asked the one's her age.

"March twentieth" Hyunjin said to her.

"I'm September fourteenth, Felix is the day after me. So the fifteenth, and then Seungmin is the twenty-second." Han said after.

"So I am older than all four of you, I'm March tenth though." She laughed. 

After a while of talking and chatting about whatever, we all decided to call it a night with the intention of keeping in touch. Little did she know I was going to make it my mission to get to know her however hard it might be. Something tells me I was meant to find this girl, and meant to know her. And I was going to make that happen. 

SEOUL MATES | Seo Changbin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now