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Brooke's POV



After Binnie and I's... us time, I guess you could call it, we walked out of my room to check on dinner. My time told us there was still ten minutes left, but I opened the oven slightly to check and forgot it's hot steam and my glasses fogged up.

"Dammit," I said, closing the oven and taking my glasses off.

"And I thought only I could fog those up," Binnie said from the counter, I glared at him but laughed slightly.

"Fog what up?" We heard someone ask, realizing it was Yuna and Namjoon coming through the front door.

My eyes went wide and I turned back around, doing what I initially was trying to. My face heated up, hoping they did not hear what Changbin had just said.

"Oh, the oven fogged up her glasses is all," he said, leaning back in his chair. 

"Ah, something smells good?" She said walking into the kitchen to place bags down and then she walked into her room for a moment.

"She's been saying she wants to shower since we walked from the museum to the grocery store. She wanted to cook, but it looks like you two already are." Namjoon explained.

"Yeah, we got hungry, but there's enough for everyone. Hope you like beef roast." I responded, still not turning to look at Namjoon or Yuna who had just walked back into the room.

"Brooke, are you good? You're like staring into space..." Yuna said, walking to put up groceries. 

I turned around and walked toward Binnie, who genuinely looked like he was fighting back a laugh. I gave him a look that said 'help', and he caught on.

"She's tired, we didn't do much today but lay in bed, so I think later she's going to come work out with me and get some energy." He said to Yuna. 

I face palmed because that was the exact opposite of what I meant, and if I'm being honest him telling them we were laying in bed and then were going to workout later does not sound good.

"That'll be fun!" Yuna said, "I know Brooke has been wanting to get to a gym since we got here, Namjoon and I were just going to watch a movie before he left to go back to his place." Yuna said and Binnie and I nodded. 

Namjoon kept looking at us, and I mean analyzing Changbin and me. I met his eyes and quickly looked away, which was a mistake. The next thing I know, he busts out laughing. And when I say busts out, I mean he gripped the wall to stop himself from falling over laughing. Binnie, Yuna, and I, all stared at him in confusion.

"You don't get it, do you?" He asked Yuna, wiping the tears from laughing so hard.

"What am I not getting?" She said, pursing her lips in annoyance.

I stood behind Binne, burying my face in his back as I felt him still trying to fight back the laugh because I know Namjoon figured out what we were 'probably' doing earlier. Or at least knows we did something.

"Joon, if you don't explain what the hell is going on, I am going to fight you," Yuna said trying not to laugh now because Namjoon looked at Binnie and me" and busted out laughing again.

"I'll be back," I said, walking to my room.

"Give me a moment," I heard Changbin say and then he walked into my room, and I closed the door and locked it.

"Technically, she can't get mad, I am an adult and so are you... although she might kill me because we're only here for another two weeks before we leave..." I whispered, leaning my head against the door to listen.

"I mean, we didn't have sex..." He trailed off, "I only fingered you, what's the big deal?" He asked.

"Us doing anything sexual isn't a big deal... it's more of I have attachment issues," I explained, not looking him in the eye.

He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my body, turning me to face him. 

"Don't worry about that, you have me, and that's all that matters," he said, kissing me. 

We stood there for a moment wrapped in each other's arms when we heard two things.

One, the timer went off, so I broke off the kiss and walked out of the room to take the roast out of the oven.

Two, I heard the words 'what!?' come out of Yuna's room the minute I walked out of mine.

I looked at Binnie with wide eyes and we both sped-walked to the kitchen and acted as if nothing happened. Yuna came out of her room with murder in her eyes, but Binnie and I just talked amongst ourselves and I cut up the roast as if nothing happened and everything was fine.

However, nothing was in fact fine, because the next thing I know Yuna was about to start bombarding him and me with questions. And rather than beat around the bush, I looked her dead in the eyes and said this.

"Yuna, we're both grown-ass adults, and if we want to do sexual things with one another, we can," I stated blatantly, and both Namjoon, who had just sat down next to Binnie, and Binnie's eyes got wide.

So did Yuna's.

"Brooke, that is not what I was about to ask you," Yuna said, holding back a laugh. 

My face paled.

"Wait, what?" I asked, my face blushing from embarrassment. 

Both Namjoon and Binnie had to get up and walk out of the room because the two of them just started laughing. 

"Why the fuck did Joon start cracking up earlier then?!" I asked, all but shouting.

"He thought y'all did something bad which is why you were cooking, to make up for it!" She said back, and when I tell you this is what I did, I mean it.

I literally pursed my lips, told them to give me a moment, and went to flopped into my bed from embarrassment. I lay there, contemplating my life choices, listening to the three of them chat. I decided I would not in fact be eating dinner right now, as my emotions hate me and I wanted to cry from embarrassment. Instead, I wrapped myself like a burrito and buried myself into my pillows. I smelled food before I saw it, and heard both my door close and a plate get placed on my bedside table.

"You know, it's rude to hog all the blankets when it's this cold outside, right?" Changbin asked, shoving me over from the middle of the bed to my side.

I lifted my face slightly so he only saw me a little before burying myself again.

"So, no one is mad, and we all find it amusing, but then I realized you're probably very embarrassed and I wanted to come to check on you," he said stroking my hair.

"Contemplating my life choices right now," I mumbled. 

I felt him kiss my head.

"Well sit up and eat with me so I can take you on a date," he said and I lifted myself up.

"Another date? So soon?" I asked.

"I want to spend every moment I can with you for the next two weeks, so I'm bringing you to a movie," he said kissing my cheek and handing me my food while he grabbed his.

"Also, Yuna and Namjoon said dinner was great." He said before we settled on watching a show and enjoying each other's company during dinner. 

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