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Changbin's POV



I arose to the sound of rain hitting the windows of our hotel room. Stretching my arms over my head, I realized just how cold it was in this room. I shivered and moved the bed curtains out of the way to look into the room. It was dark outside, and I couldn't tell if that was from the rain or if it was still in the middle of the night. 

I grabbed my phone and saw it was almost seven in the morning. I sighed, wanting to go back to sleep, but knew at this point I couldn't. I put my phone back down and turned toward where Brooke was asleep next to me and I smiled. Remembering both last night and the fact this girl was now my girlfriend. While it was dark, and I couldn't exactly see her, I knew his back was to me.

I grabbed her and pulled her back to my chest so I was spooning her, and breathed in the floral scent of her hair, wishing we could stay like this forever. I figured she and I could have gone on a date today, but if the weather stays like this, we will not be moving from this bed. 

She shifted in her sleep and turned over, burying her head in my neck, kissing me there, indicating she was awake.

"Good morning," she said, slightly annoyed she was awake.

"Hey, how did you sleep?" I asked her.

"I mean, we did a lot, so I blacked out and personally, my legs are sore, but I slept really good," she teased and I laughed. "What's that sound?" She asked.

"It's storming outside, and while I was going to take you on a date today, I vote we stay in bed all day and do nothing," I said and she nodded agreeing.

"What time is it?"

"It's almost seven, why?" I asked her.

She peeked over my shoulder to the nightstand and laughed.

"I guess we should thank them for the big box then, huh?" She asked before she got on top of me, and I laughed at the sudden movement.


After messing around in bed for a few hours, Brooke got up to go shower and I turned on the TV to watch whatever was on while I waited my turn to go shower. We opted to eat our leftover take-out from last night for lunch, and as it was only nine in the morning, I ordered us a bunch of breakfast via room service.

Which I realized was a bad idea as soon as they walked in, because they have to walk past the kitchen, to get to the bedroom, and you can see directly into the shower from the kitchen. I mentally face-palmed and was grateful when two women walked in instead of a man. 

After they dropped off the food, I heard the shower shut off, so I got off the bed to quickly shower so she and I could eat.

I walked into the bathroom and she was rubbing her hair with a towel to get the water out and I couldn't help but lean against a wall and admire her. She was doing a simple task and this was stupid to think but she looks absolutely breathtaking and I wanted nothing more than to keep this image from ever leaving me.

"Are you okay?" She asked, looking at me through the mirror.

"Yeah," I said, going to turn on the shower and get undressed. "You're just beautiful."

I stepped into the shower as I saw her blush in the mirror and not respond, but I knew she was smiling at the compliment. 

It was weird how she and I got so used to one another so fast, but I guess that happens when you realize you're falling in love with someone. I wasn't sure if she loved me back, and even if she wasn't at that point yet, that was fine. I just wanted to be a person in her life she didn't want to live without, and since she was my girlfriend now, I intended to keep myself there for her whenever she needed me. I know we're living in the moment now, instead of when she has to leave to go back to America, but I haven't told her I would go back with her yet, if she wanted me to and if she asked.

I would do anything for Brooke, but she would only have to ask me first. 


Brooke's POV



It was weird getting into a relationship so fast, but I guess it's almost natural if you're falling in love with someone. While I hadn't said it back to Binnie yet, I knew I probably would soon. I appreciated the fact he wasn't pushing for me to say it back, or that he hadn't asked me about that yet. 

I was more worried about what we were going to do in a week when I had to leave to go back to America until the Summer. I hadn't told him I was coming back for three months this time instead of three weeks, but I would soon. I also wanted to just ask him to come with me for the semester, and go from there with me. But I wasn't sure if that was moving too fast, or not. 

He got into the shower as I finished my morning routine, noticing I was breaking out slightly on my face, and I realized it was probably from stress, or my body hated me and I was going to start my period soon. Either way, fuck acne. 

I went and laid back in bed, noticing plates of food next to the bed and I got really excited, realizing Changbin ordered us breakfast. I heard the shower shut off, and several moments later he walked out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel.

"No straight hair today?" He asked as he gestured to my hair that was drying curly.

"Too lazy, and Yuna didn't pack any of my heat tools," I rolled my eyes.

"Ready to eat?" He asked and I nodded.

We basically spent the entire morning eating and taking a nap, and anything else you could think of, we probably did it while it stormed outside. 

I realized we would have to discuss things later, but right now I just wanted to be with him. 

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