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Brooke's POV

After getting dropped back at the Airbnb I unlocked my phone to find the passcode to get in and realized it was nearly two in the morning. I didn't think I had been out that late, but apparently, I was wrong. Chan, Felix, and Changbin all rode back with me here and watched me until I made it safely inside, and I waved to them as they drove off. 

Probably back to some fancy-ass hotel. I thought to myself. 

I stepped inside, taking my shoes off and putting on slippers before carefully making my way to the kitchen to grab my water from the fridge. I made sure to be quiet as I knew Yuna was probably asleep. I thought back to dinner and how shocked I was to see every single one of them give me their phones to give me their information. I wasn't sure if they'd actually talk to me again, or if they were all drunk on Soju and decided to get my information. 

"I bet I'll be blocked in the morning." I sighed. 

I never had the best luck with men in my life. After getting out of y long relationship, I've been trying to focus on myself. It hasn't been too bad, luckily I have school and my job to help me focus, but sometimes I just want a best friend there to come home to every day and talk to and just be there for me. I sighed again and took a sip of my water, unlocking my phone again I saw I had a Line notification... actually I had several.

The first I saw was from Chan.


LOL, will do. Thank you for inviting me out tonight, I had a blast! I said back. 

I backed out of the chat and noticed twenty-plus messages in the group chat I would not be reading tonight, as I did not think mentally I could handle that chaos right now. But I saw another message from Changbin and decided to open it.

Had a really nice time getting to know you tonight! I hope you had fun and didn't think we were too crazy... His message said. 

I thought for a moment before typing my response.

Not at all! I had a super fun time, it was nice getting to hang out with all of you and get to know you all too. I said and he immediately started typing back. 

As he typed I walked into the bedroom and lit up my phone to find my suitcase and grab a change of clothes and take out a pair to wear tomorrow on the train. Careful not to wake Yuna, I grabbed my toiletries and walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready for bed. I knew I shouldn't have stayed out too late since I have to be up by seven. Oh well, I'll sleep on the train. 

I turned the shower on when I heard my phone ding, indicating I got another message. I looked and saw it was from Changbin again so I opened it.

That's nice to hear! I had a good time just talking to you one-on-one. You're super smart so it was a nice change from the idiots I love, lol. Was his response.

Was he flirting? Or was hy trying to just talk to me more? I was confused because I didn't think he of all people would keep up a conversation after a four-hour-long dinner sitting next to me. 

Thanks... I don't think I'm that smart though, haha. More of a, I'm not sure how I made it this far, but here we are. I typed back and locked my phone. I got undressed and threw my hair up so it didn't get wet and took a quick shower. 

I got out and dried off, doing my nightly routine I snatched my phone off the vanity and walked into the bedroom to get under the covers as I was cold and wanted to sleep. I unlocked my phone again and saw another message.

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