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Brooke's POV
I woke up with a splitting headache and turned over to bury my face into the pillows next to me when all I hit was the solid bed. I raised myself up slightly to see I was missing two pillows on my bed. Confused, I took one of the pillows I was laying on and placed it there so I could lay back down and sleep longer.

Until I heard Yuna knock, loudly, on my door.

"I'm coming in! Y'all better be clothed," she shouted through the door and I heard Namjoon laughing in what sounded like the kitchen.

"Bitch, it's just me in here!" I shouted back only to grab my head in pain.

Yuna walked in with a bottle of Tylenol and a glass of water and set them on the side table. I sat up slowly, still gripping my head.

"Why did I drink so much, Jesus". I said, grabbing the water and meds slowly to take them.

"Because you're dumb." She said and I heard Namjoon knock on my door.

"Yeah, come in," I told him.

"Coffee?" He offered.

"For the love of God, please, make it strong as hell too," I said finally opening my eyes to fully see in front of me.

"You got it," he winked and walked out of the room to what I assumed was the kitchen.

"So," I began before Yuna could grill me about last night. "Namjoon?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

Her face heated up and she looked over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't there still.

"Shush, it's no big deal." She rolled her eyes but there was a small smile on her face.

"Uh-huh, sure," I said, making a note to ask her about details later, not that she would give them to me right away. 

"Here's your coffee," he said, walking back into my room and handing it to me.

"Thank you," I said.

"So, what time is it?" I asked.

"Almost eleven. Did you still want to get lunch today and then explore?" She asked.

"Almost eleven!? Shit!" I said, safely putting my coffee on the nightstand and jumping out of bed to get my laptop.

I hurried to grab that and my cord, seeing the time read...

10:56 AM

Shit, shit, shit. I thought to myself, rushing to get this set up.

I jumped back into bed, realized at that moment I was only in a shirt and underwear, and knew Namjoon was covering his face for that exact reason. I was too focused to care, but I threw the blankets back over me, because it was cold, and opened my laptop after plugging it in.

"Sorry, you can look now," I said, typing my password in as fast as I could and typing in the website Changbin had told me to use to watch their performance. 

I checked the time and I still had a minute to spare, so I clicked on the live stream.

"That was a lot," Yuna said, trying not to laugh.

"Sorry, the boys are gonna perform, and I really thought I slept through it. I would've felt bad. Also, after this, yes I am down to explore. I just ask that I can change and get freshened up, and throw pants on so I don't scar poor Namjoon again." I said and he laughed so hard he had to sit down.

Yuna rolled her eyes but sat next to me on the bed, Namjoon came over and stood by the bed, so I angled my laptop so he could see too.

"So, are you and him a thing now?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

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