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Changbin's POV



After Brooke and I showered, I ordered us takeout because neither of us felt like walking out in the middle of the night from this hotel again. We were also hungry after everything we just did...

I smiled as I looked at the girl of my dreams shove noodles into her mouth while looking at something on her laptop.

"So what are you up to?" I asked her, scooting in to be closer to her. 

"Currently? Seeing about getting out of my lease and about shipping all of my shit here, which is gonna cost hella money, but it's fine." She responded, not looking up. 

"Can I help at all?" I asked her.

"Did you fill out everything for us to live together here? And are you even able to do that, won't your entertainment company like... not let you?" She asked me.

"Okay, well first, he can fuck off if he tries to stop me. And he openly knows I would tell him that. If I have to leave Stray Kids I will if it means being with you, I don't care. Secondly, I submitted the application earlier while you were cleaning off in the shower..." I trailed off, thinking about earlier events.

She smacked my arm.

"Stop thinking about it, I don't think my legs can handle anymore tonight." She laughed and I kissed her.

"We don't have to do anything else tonight, but I want to kiss you. You're so kissable it's not even funny." I said tackling her onto the hotel bed. 

I kissed her all over her face making her giggle with happiness which only made my heart flutter. 

"Binnie," she drew out. "Stop, we gotta focus!" She laughed as I kissed a specific spot on her neck.

"Did I just discover that you're ticklish?" I asked her, my eyes getting wide and I smirked.

"Unless you want to get kneed in the balls, don't you dare." She gave me the most serious look I have ever seen her give me.

I threw my hands up in defeat.

"Okay, okay, I won't." I backed off, but then I pinned her to the bed by putting her hands above her head.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you, you don't care that I'm shorter than most guys do you?" I asked her as I kissed her neck, slower this time.

"Binnie, I'm like an inch taller than you, if anything I should be worried that you care about that. Your height doesn't matter to me," she breathed as I focused on a specific spot on her neck. "Also, what did I say about starting things, it's already three in the morning." She whispered.

I nipped at her neck and then pulled away.

"Okay, fine, no more. But also, I don't care that you're a little taller, you can't really tell unless we told people. I love you and that's all I care about." I smiled at her goofily.

It was about ten seconds later I realized she had wrapped her legs around my waist and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me that I realized we were going to be up late. So good thing we had nothing planned for tomorrow. 


"I need you to have some self control..." she trailed off as she ran her finger along my chest.

"In my defense, all I did was kiss your neck, you jumped me." I joked and she glared at me, flicking my forehead.

"The hotel staff must think we're sex nuts." She said, flopping back onto her side of the bed.

I chuckled and looked at the clock next to us which read about four in the morning.

"Are you tired yet?" I asked her.

"Oh, I'm exhausted and we aren't doing anything tomorrow but sleeping," she said, turning over to lay on her stomach and sleep. 

I was about to lay behind her and pull her into my chest when I got a phone call. 

"Who the fuck is calling at this time of night?" I mumbled and saw it was Chan.

"Yeah?" I asked, answering.

"You're awake?" He sounded astonished that I would answer as fast as I did.

"I just got done working out," I said. "What's up?"

"Sure you did... anyway, you need to be here by ten tomorrow, he wants to meet with us all." He told me.

"Fuck," I said, running a hand through my hair. "Alright, let me get some sleep, I'll be there by ten." 

"See you tomorrow, man." Chan hung up.

I looked over to Brooke about to tell her what I had to do tomorrow but I saw she was fast asleep.

Guess I wore her out. I thought to myself laughing.

I moved a piece of her hair away from her face and just looked at her. Wondering how I got so lucky to have someone like her come into my life. I've never been happier than I've been these last few weeks and the fact that she was coming to live here with me permantely, it was amazing. 

I didn't want to think about what JYP wanted to tell me tomorrow, I pushed the thought from my mind, knowing that it would only piss me off. 

I sighed and turned off the side lamp, getting under the covers more and pulling Brooke to my chest for her to sleep. I closed my eyes and dozed off into a dreamless slumber.


The next morning I woke up before my alarm and sighed knowing what was ahead of me for this conversation. I looked over and saw Brooke had moved back to her pillow and was still sleeping soundly. The freckles on her shoulders were preeking out in the early morning light peeking through the curtains. I got up to shower before heading out and decided against waking Brooke up, I would just text her as I leave so she could wake up to the message. 

After doing my routine, I got dressed and left. Doing as I had said, texting Brooke so she would know. I grabbed my wallet and keys and walked to the elevator that would bring me to the parking garage. Getting in my car and heading to the dorms. 

I dreaded every moment leading up to this one, including the fact it was a little after nine when I got there and parked, heading to the dorms to meet the boys before we had to meet. 

I opened the door and walked in to Han, Minho, Felix, and Seungmin playing some game on the couches. Hyunjin, Chan and Jeongin were all in the kitchen so I headed in there.

"Ah, Seo Changbin, go to see you again." Hyunjin toyed at me as I walked up to them.

"Binnie, hey man." Chan looked tired.

"Don't worry, I won't cause trouble today, but I am telling you this now. I am not leaving Brooke." I stated and Chan sighed as if he already knew this was going to end badly.

"If you had to choose her or us, who would you pick? A girl you just met, who we all love, or your brothers you've been with for the last few years." Chan asked me.

"I would pick both, but in this case her because I know I've met the woman of my dreams and I can't help that I fell in love with her. I wasn't expecting everyone to find out this way, but it's too late now. She's moving here to live with me permantely, we just got our own apartment too." I told them and I could feel tensions rising, especially because the other four walked into the kitchen.

"Let's just see what he has to talk to us about, we might just be over thinking all of this."Chan said, walking out of the kitchen, annoyed. 

"Hey, whatever happens, we support you, okay?" Jeongin told me and I grabbed him in to a chokehold rubbing his hair.

"Baby bread is all grown up now, look at you." I teased and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

The rest of the guys laughed as we headed out to see what was so important for us all to meet. I was just worried about Brooke. I checked my phone one last time and saw a message from her.

I love you, no matter what.

And I smiled.

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