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As we drive throughout the country, I am amazed by everything I see. Having landed early in the morning, and it being a six-hour drive to Busan, this was incredibly nice to see the beautiful land rather than it being nighttime and we can't see anything. 

"So, where do you want to go first?" Yuna asked me as we drove through the mountains. 

"They have the culture village, don't they? Why don't we see about going there after we make it to the Airbnb, although we might want to just sleep at this point and start doing stuff tomorrow." I suggested and she nodded in agreement. 

"I'm still stuck on those guys we saw in the airport," I said about thirty minutes later.

"What happened to it's done and over with?" She asked me back, and I glared at her.

"My point is what if they were famous, and we didn't even get a picture... This could have been my gateway into stardom."

"Stardom for what? Being sarcastic on a stage for three hours?" She clapped back.

"At least I'm funny about it, unlike you." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Look up different K-pop groups and see if you recognize any of them, I mean we didn't really see their faces, but you can still try." She suggested. 

"Wait, two of them were Australian, let me look that up," I noted.

After several minutes of searching on my phone, I found a group that had Australian members and started scrolling through their K Profile. The group was called Stray Kids and the only reason I know it was them is the piercing brown eyes of the one who shoved into me.

"Changbin..." I mumbled to myself.

"What?" Yuna asked, leaning over slightly to listen to me.

"Oh, sorry. I found the group," I began. "It's Stray Kids, and I am absolutely positive, because two of them were raised in Australia, and the one who shoved into me looked exactly like the one I am staring at right now."

"The way I forgot they were a group until you said their name. I never really listened to them, but I know who they are. Felix's voice is so freaking deep the first time I heard it I was like 'wtf'" She laughed. "Grab my phone and turn on their music, you'll probably like it."

Which is exactly what I did. So for the last two hours of the car ride to Busan we listened to Stray Kids, talked about the trip, planned out meals, and I jokingly told her within the next three weeks we would find her Kim Namjoon so she can finally get married and be happy. Which she started dying laughing at. We were both so excited about this trip that we barely even noticed the car behind us had been following us for the last three hours.


As weird as it may seem that we didn't notice the car behind us, when we turned to head to our Airbnb in Busan, the car itself kept driving past, so obviously they were not following us. We made a few more turns before we pulled into the car park of a cute little Airbnb by the coast. 

"Not it being cold as balls though," I said as soon as we stepped out. I wrapped my winter coat around me more and saw my breath as I walked to the back of the car to get my weekend bag. 

"You're not bringing in the big suitcase?" Yuna asked me.

"No, I have everything for Busan specifically in this bag, same with Daegu since we are only staying in these two cities for a total of four days," I explained, pulling the shade over the top of the luggage in the back so no one would notice it. 

"Why didn't I think of that?" She groaned, yanking her giant suitcase and both her carry on's out of the car. 

I laughed at her dismay and we both headed up to the Airbnb door and unlocked it. Stepping in I noticed how cold the room was and looked at Yuna like she was crazy to have picked this place with no heating.

SEOUL MATES | Seo Changbin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now