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Brooke's POV



Changbin and I spent the entire day laying in bed watching whatever we wanted and just vibing. It was really nice to have someone to just spend time with but it's not boring. It's not like one of us hates doing things while the other one wants to go do things. He and I both mutually were like, it's raining, let's stay in. 

I lay on his chest, on the verge of falling asleep because of both the rain and his heartbeat lulling me to sleep. Until he chuckled, and I heard the people on the TV laugh too. I ignored it until it happened again. I pursed my lips and gave him a look that said 'I'm trying to sleep here'.

He laughed at me, and then kissed my lips ignoring my annoyance, which made me laugh a little but go lay on my pillows instead.

"How long do you have this room for?" I mumbled, wanting sleep to overtake me instead.

"As long as you'd like, but as of right now, we have tomorrow and then we check out Wednesday," he said turning toward me on the bed.

I groaned, never wanting this to end with him, but knowing I shouldn't extend my time in this hotel longer than needed. Especially because these were the last few days before we left to go back to America. I frowned at the thought of leaving him and I think he noticed. 

He pulled me into his chest and all I smelled was his body wash, and just Changbin as a whole, who somehow always smelled like cologne even when he didn't have any on.

"What's going on with you?" He asked.

"I don't want to leave, I don't want to go back to grad school, I don't want to even want to bother talking to my soon-to-be ex. I want to stay here and just make a life here. That was my original plan, and then I went to grad school because I thought I could fix things with him, but I realized I couldn't and I was holding onto a relationship that would only end in heartbreak. And then I met you and it's like everything makes sense now. Like you were the actual person I should have been with this entire time." I told him.

"Then stay here," he said suddenly. "Don't go back, quit school and move in with me or something. Make a life here."

I looked up at him like he was crazy.

"What do you mean? I mean I have all my stuff at my apartment, I still have to pay rent, I don't have a visa to live here. Are you serious?" I asked him, shocked and confused.

"I can help you finish paying off your lease, you can find a job and get a work visa to work here, we can figure everything else out," He said. "I have never been more serious about anything else in my entire life."

"We've only known each other a couple of weeks though, I-." He cut me off and hovered over me.

"If I wasn't so in love with you, I wouldn't say this, Brooke. These last two weeks I have been falling in love with you harder than I have with anyone in my twenty-three years of life. I love you and as insane as it sounds, you're my soulmate. I feel like in my heart, and I know that as some point, maybe soon, I want to spend all my time with you. I want to wake up with you every day by my side. I want to be with someone who can laugh with me, and have a good time and we can just be together like this when it's raining out and enjoy one another's company. I want you Brooke, and I want you to be with me. So stay," he teared up a little bit.

I was in shock and unsure of what to do, I just grabbed him and kissed him, solidifying my feelings for him and my insecurity about what I wanted. But I knew I wanted him, and if this was my original plan to be here in the first place, then I will.

"Yes, I'll stay with you," I said, kissing him again. 

As if we didn't already have enough of one another, this morning, these last few moments were something different. Getting into the mood to have sex again was easy since last night, but this didn't feel like us having sex. This felt like it would be something else after the confessions we just made to one another. After the decisions, we just made and decided to go through with it. 

I couldn't get enough of him. I was tired and sore from earlier activities, but I didn't care. I didn't want to sleep, I didn't want to watch a movie or eat, I wanted him. 

I wanted his weight on top of me. I wanted to watch his face, look into his eyes, and know this man just confessed I was his soulmate and he wanted me in his life.

I knew what I wanted, and what I wanted was to be on top of him this time. I flipped us over, I got on top of him, and I knew for once I wanted to be the one to treat him. I jokingly held his hands down so he couldn't move and he pretended as if he wasn't strong enough to take back control. I ground onto his pelvis and felt him pull me in tighter to the kiss, even without using his hands, but I think that made him greedier for what he wanted at this moment. He broke free and ran his hands all over my body as if he was exploring it for the first time again. 

I decided to make things interesting, but also just have fun. I climbed off of him and off of the bed, stripping my clothes off myself tantalizingly slow. He laid against the pillows watching me in adoration, making me laugh and rip my shirt off. He laughs with me and climbs off the bed to come to me. He helped me take the rest of my clothes off in the dim lighting of the room, the rain pounding against the windows as we were there with one another. Neither of us has a care in the world anymore. 

And at that moment, I realized it was only he and I in the world, and I never wanted anything else ever again.

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