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Brooke's POV



Changbin left before I woke up, which is fine, he sent me a text to wake up to. I was stressed for him more than anything because I knew he will probably be the central part of whatever conversation happened.

I rolled over to my other side in the giant bed in our hotel and scrolled through social media when I saw a bunch of notifications on Instagram.  

"What is going on?" I mumbled to myself and opened my app.

I clicked on the notification bar and saw I was getting hundreds of followers.

"The fuck?" I said, confused until my eyes widened.

I forgot I was all over the news with Changbin. I rushed to change my account settings to private and did it just in time, but saw I had gained almost three thousand followers. 

"Ugh, great now I have to go through a get rid of people." I groaned and flopped onto my back.

I saw my messaging area was red too and noticed how many requests for chats I had, but ignored it knowing it was probably a bunch of people asking me who I was and wanting to know every detail of Changbin and I's relationship. I can't believe I didn't think to put my account in private several days ago after the news first broke about him and me.

I just casually went through and removed as many people as I could before Instagram told me I couldn't anymore for the time being. It was going to take me forever to get rid of all of these people. But for now, I turned off commenting on all of my posts and archived a bunch so others wouldn't get followed, but some stragglers got to them first because suddenly I was getting texts from people asking who certain people were.

I just sighed and texted back saying I would explain later but to just block them and private their account for a little bit. I knew at some point that this would happen, especially dating someone in one of the biggest fourth-generation k-pop groups, but I was hoping it would be a while. The news really fucked us over on this point. I just went back to privating all of my social media and then went to scroll through TikTok again while I waited for Changbin to get back. 


Changbin's POV



The eight of us sat in a room, across from where the JYP himself sat. He looked at us all, and we looked at him and no one said a word. Chan sure as hell wasn't going to talk first, and I knew if I opened my mouth it would go downhill immediately. 

So, we all just sat and waited for him to speak first, or Chan to speak first. 

"So," Chan started but stopped immediately when he saw JYP's face.

"No," he cut Chan off. "The only person who should be speaking first is him." And he pointed directly at me.

"Why should I speak first?" I asked.

"Because this meeting is about you, and you alone. Personally, I don't know why the other seven are here when I told Chan I only wanted to see you today." I snapped my head towards Chan who didn't look my way. 

"Well, we're all here to support him, that's why," Minho said, and I snapped my head to him next, shocked he of all people would say that. 

"Do you realize what issues this has caused? Him being seen with someone in a relationship?" He asked us.

"We've all been in relationships before, why is this suddenly a big deal." Chan cut in finally, tensing up at the mention of past relationships.

"Because of how big you all have gotten, this year alone with Oddinary you made millions for this company, -" I finally cut in.

"So this is about you making money, and you think me being in a relationship is going to cost you? How much did we make off Maxident alone, and we haven't even begun promotions for the next tour. Better yet, we still have more dates for our Maniac tour in the spring. Me being with someone does not affect your company the way you think it does. I checked the stocks this morning, they haven't budged. You're only mad because it's not what you want." I snapped.

"Changbin," Chan warned me.

"No, for once I am going to speak my mind." I snapped at him too and surprisingly, he backed off.

"Know your place, Changbin," JYP said to me and I glared at him.

"If it's such a big deal to you, then I'll leave and the boys can keep going without me. I don't need to be in Stray Kids to make money, let alone with this company." I said, without hesitation.

"You would do this for a girl you barely know?" He asked, incredulously.

"I would for the love of my life that I got lucky enough to meet this year. I don't know how, but I did, and I'll be damned if I lose her."

No one said anything for a moment. It got so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop.

"Brooke makes Changbin happy, and we're happy he's happy. We also all love Brooke." Jeongin said.

"Yeah, she's really chill, and she doesn't hold back from anything." Seungmin chimed in. 

I looked at them shocked they were really here to back me up like this.

"I love her, and if that's too much, I will leave," I said.

"If Changbin leaves, so do I," Minho said, and I knew he meant it, even if this wasn't about me and Brooke. 

"Same here," Hyunjin and Felix both said.

Chan looked shocked, and I wasn't mad he hadn't said anything, but JYP was out half of a group at this point if I walked. 

"No." He cut in before anyone else could speak.

"That won't be necessary." He rubbed his temples as if this did not go the way he wanted it to, and I am assuming it didn't.

"If she gets in the way of your job, she goes." He looked at me.

"No, because she's going to make me better at my job so I can support her in whatever way I can." And with that, I stood up, and everyone else followed.

I knew Chan was seething mad, but he remained calm for the time being. He didn't try to stop us as we followed Chan out of the room and back to our dorms. No one spoke, we just all walked and I pulled my phone out to text Brooke, but decided against it until I saw her later.

Once we got back, the guys all went to their rooms, except Chan and I knew he was about to blow up.

"Chan..." I said, slightly worried.

"Changbin, would you have actually left today, for Brooke?" Chan said, turning around to look at me, and instead of anger, I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"In all honesty, yes." And I knew that was why he was upset. 

I had been with these boys for years and I was ready to throw that all away for a girl I barely knew for three weeks.

"And I know that's shitty of me to say. Especially to you, and I'm sorry. But I meant what I said. She's the love of my life and I wouldn't be me if I didn't say I would do anything to keep her with me." I said to him honestly, tears coming into my eyes because of how much I loved these idiots but also how much I loved Brooke and how much I just wanted to keep both.

Chan must have understood at that moment because he just hugged me and I cried. And I don't cry very often, let alone in front of Chan. The next thing I knew I was getting surrounded by arms and I realized everyone else came out of their rooms to hug me.

"If any of you mention this to anyone, you all die," I said through the tears and they all laughed. And I just felt at home again with my family, and I knew none of them hated Brooke for taking me away, but they understood she was a part of my family now too.

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