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Brooke's POV
I stared at Lee Know in pure shock at what he just said to me.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked him.

"I like you, and think I should be the one you're with, not Changbin," he answered me.

I just kept staring at him as if he had two heads.

"You're insane, Lee Know we talk every day but we don't know each other!" I exclaimed.

"Oh and you and Changbin do?"

"You don't know anything about him and I, we aren't even officially dating, I leave in a little over a week, I-." He cut me off.

"Exactly, so what is it you're trying to accomplish here?" He asked, staring at me.

"Excuse me?"

"Are you trying to get money from him?"

"What!? No!"

He ignored my outcries of defense.

"All this looks like to the rest of us is you're using him, whether it be monetarily, physically, or emotionally. You aren't even going to be here, you're going to leave, and leave him heartbroken. And go back to that boyfriend of yours overseas." He snapped and I stopped short.

"Excuse me?" I whispered.

"Yeah, I know all about your boyfriend back home, the one you left to come to visit here with your best friend," he spat at me. "I know you're only using Changbin to get over the fact you're not emotionally ready to face him when you get back because you know you can't handle relationships like you want." He finished and I was all but crying at this point. 

"There's more to it than that..." I tried to explain but he cut me off.

"Either you can go upstairs right now and tell him the truth, or you can leave, because personally after he finds out not one of them will want you there today," He finished.

"And what about you just confessing your feelings for me? Or is berating me your way of showing affection?" I asked, tears ruining my makeup.

"I wanted to throw you off, and it worked, now here you are caught in a lie breaking one of my best friends, my brothers', heart." He finished. 

I didn't even respond. I felt humiliated, berated, angry, disgusted, any emotion you could think of that's how I felt. I grabbed my purse, not bothering to grab the gifts from the back, and stormed out of Lee Know's car. I didn't bother to look back, not when I heard him get out and lock his car, or when the elevator dinged indicating it was there to pick him up. I walked out of the parking garage and onto the streets of some part of Seoul and cried the entire time. I cried until I felt my face freezing from the weather and tears. My phone kept buzzing, indicating I was getting messages and calls from people but I ignored it. I just kept walking. 

I walked until I reached the end of what looked like whatever part of the city I was in, and I saw a convenience store. I was hungry so I went in, got some ramen, sat outside by a heater, and waited for it to cool down a bit before I ate it. I pulled out my phone and instead of looking at the messages, I turned it off. Not wanting to deal with anyone or anything. And I sat in silence, hating myself for what seemed like hours.


Changbin's POV



Minho and Brooke should be here by now... I thought to myself. 

I was sitting on the couch, tapping my foot on the floor waiting to see my friend and the girl of my dreams walk through those doors, but instead of both of them, it was just Minho when it opened. I looked at him confused.

SEOUL MATES | Seo Changbin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now