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Brooke's POV



As I finished getting ready for dinner, Changbin called ahead to make a reservation and I sent a text to Yuna to tell her we were on the way.

"Do you think she's going to try and stop you from moving here?" Binnie asked as we got into his car.

"I doubt it, she'll probably give me a look. But I'm an adult so she can't exactly tell me what to do." I laughed.

He and I laughed and talked on the way to the restaurant and talked about whatever when we finally pulled up and parked.

I saw Yuna and Namjoon waiting for us outside the door.

"I thought you always ran late?" I asked Yuna as we walked up to them.

"This one," she gestures to Namjoon. "Doesn't."

Namjoon laughed and opened the door for us all to walk in. I chatted with Yuna and asked how the last few days had been without me around and she said it was fine.

"Peaceful knowing I don't have to block out the noises of you two having sex potentially." She joked.

Changbin choked and tried to cover it with a cough.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to divert away from that as we were led to our seats.

Yuna gave me a look that said, don't lie to me.

"You're both adults, I don't care. I'm just messing with you." She laughed as Namjoon pulled her chair out for her.

"Hilarious, almost killing Changbin back there." I laughed.

"Must we laugh at my pain?" He asked, also pulling my chair out.

"So it must be something big to suddenly call and invite us to dinner when y'all have been on your 'not talking to anyone bender," Yuna said.

"Did you not see the news?" I asked her.

"Oh, I saw. I thought it was hilarious, they really think they'll know who you are because of your eyes? Your mask covered ninety percent of your face." She rolled her eyes.

"It's whatever at this point, but my dad saw it." I explained and her eyes got wide.

"Can I have wine before we get into that, oh Lord." She said opening the menu.

"Get whatever you all want," Namjoon said. "It's on me."

"Nah, I'll get Brooke and I," Changbin said, waving off the offer.

"No, no, I insist," Namjoon said pulling his wallet out.

"And I also insist," Changbin said, doing the same.

"If you're both done measuring your dicks, can we plan an appetizer?" I snorted and Yuna laughed into her water.

I saw both boys blush and mumble the word yes as I suggested the spinach and artichoke dip. We all agreed and placed the order.

After a while of just chatting and catching up Changbin casually kicked me under the table. 

"Oh, my dad called," I said sipping my wine.

"What did he say?" Yuna raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, he asked me when I got a boyfriend, and apparently I'm all over the news at home," I responded.

"You're what!?" Namjoon and Yuna said, their jaws dropping.

"Yeah, apparently. I mean I didn't even know or care, but yeah," I said.

"So what else?" She asked me.

"Changbin and I are moving in together, but we're going back to America just for me to get the rest of my things and finish my last semester of grad school this spring." I finished.

"Oh," Yuna said. "Is this when I mention Namjoon and I are also moving in together?"

"I figured," I laughed out loud.

So we spent the rest of dinner, gossiping about how Changbin and I are all the rage, ranting about my family, and discussing where we were planning on living once we found apartments. 

"What I want to know though, how have you two not been caught together?" I asked Yuna and Namjoon.

"Like no offense, but you're in one of the biggest boy bands in the world, how the actual fuck have you not been noticed with her?"

"I know things, and people." Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

"Well, maybe we need to be sneakier," I told Changbin.

"I rented an entire floor of a hotel, but yes, let's be sneakier." He teased. 

I rolled my eyes.

"So, how are your legs?" Yuna asked and all three of us looked at her confused.

"They are fine?" I asked, but trailed off when I realized what she meant.

"Oh, I couldn't walk yesterday, but I'm fine now," I said and she cracked up laughing.

The boys looked so confused and then Changbin understood and I saw his face heat up as he smacked my leg with his hand.

Namjoon still didn't get it and Yuna just told him to ignore it. 

After dinner, we all walked out of the restaurant and said our goodbyes before going out separate ways. 

"So, you couldn't walk huh?" Binnie asked once we got in the car.

"You were literally there watching me struggle to walk, babe." I rolled my eyes.

He leaned over the seat to kiss me.

"Oh, I know, I just like to remember." He teased.

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