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Brooke's POV
Immediately after witnessing both Felix and Changbin run out of the store, I stared after them for a moment confused as to what just happened. I looked at my hand and saw the tickets Felix has shoved into it. I looked closer at it and saw it did in fact say the concert started at seven-thirty. I looked at my phone and saw it was about six-thirty now.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself.

I didn't have an outfit for this concert, I didn't even have a clue where we needed to go.

"Oh shit, let me call Yuna." I whipped my phone out and clicked on her contact. "You better answer."

"Hello?" She answered on the fifth ring.

"I need you to get back to this store ASAP," I said urgently.

"Uh... are you okay?" She sounded confused and worried, I heard Namjoon ask if everything was okay in the background.

"I'll explain more in a bit. But hurry up." I hung up the phone.

I immediately went to the women's section and started looking through jeans for this concert. Which I needed to be at within the hour.

"Girl, what's wrong?" Yuna ran up to me in the store, the six-foot K-pop idol following close behind.

"So, met members of Stray Kids right?" I began and she looked at me like I was insane. "Got two tickets and we need outfits," I said continuing to grab random jeans off the rack and shoving the tickets at her at the same time.

"You mean to tell me, you couldn't have said that on the damn phone?" She asked.

"No." That was all I said, grabbing this cute red top off the rack next to where I was.

"Do you two need a ride?" Namjoon asked us.

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Sir, you don't drive?" I asked but also stated.

"No, but I know someone who does." He laughed. "I'll call him."

He walked out of the store as Yuna kept staring at me, then Namjoon, then the tickets, then back to me.

"Ma'am, we have less than an hour to get to this?" She asked.

"Yes, so let's go, grab clothes hurry up we gotta leave in like twenty minutes," I responded and walked to a changing room.

After what seemed like ages, Yuna and I landed on the outfits we would wear. I pulled the red shirt down my body slightly to make it look more symmetrical, and Yuna looked at me done with life.

"Are you both ready, Suga's here so, we can drive you."

I stared at him like he was insane.

"Suga? As in Min Yoongi? As in, BTS Yoongi?" My jaw dropped.

"Yes," he laughed again. "The one and only."

"Keep him." That was all I said to Yuna as we left the store, she rolled her eyes at me and Namjoon laughed behind us.

I walked out to a black Hyundai that had just pulled up. I opened the door and was greeted with yet again, an insanely attractive man.

"Hi," I said smiling and hopping into the car, Namjoon got in the front and Yuna followed me into the back.

"Hi there," he said. He said something else to Namjoon in Korean and soon we were driving off.

I looked at my phone again and saw it was about seven-fifteen.

"We should be there in a few minutes it's not too far," Namjoon said to us. I nodded and Yuna spoke to them both in Korean so I zoned out for a moment.

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