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Changbin's POV



After what seemed like hours, but was merely a few minutes I decided to text Brooke and ask her how she was doing, we had just headed out onto the road to go back to Seoul, and I know she's probably got several more hours on her train ride until she gets there. I hesitated for a moment before typing a message.

What if I text her and she backs out of our date? Or if she suddenly doesn't remember we're going on one? Did I dream up this whole thing? I thought to myself. 

"If you stare at her name any longer, maybe it'll mentally send your text," Felix said next to me in the car.

He caused me to jump and glare at him slightly.

"I just don't want to seem like I'm bothering her, so I was debating on texting her," I responded, clicking on her name and starting my message.

"It's quite obvious you like her, you know?" Felix said, smiling.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said, my face heating up. "Leave it alone, Felix."

"You like who?" Lee Know asked, turning around in his seat and raising an eyebrow at me. 

"No one," I said before Felix could respond for me.

"Binnie has a crush on Brooke!" Felix sing-songed.

I smacked him in the arm, and glared at him, because suddenly six other boys were whooping and cheering at me, and teasing me. They all started asking me a bunch of questions and wanting to know more details. Asking me how I got a crush so fast and it was just overwhelming, so out of the corner of my eye, I gave Chan a look. 

"Okay, okay, let's let Binnie breathe!" Chan shouted over everyone. 

I saw Lee Know make a face, and start talking to Han in a hushed voice, but I decided to ignore it. 

"Sorry, Bin, just wanted to have some fun with you. It's not every day someone catches your attention." Felix teased, I rolled my eyes and reopened Line to send Brooke a message.

Hey, good morning, how did you sleep? I typed it out... but deleted it because it sounded too formal.

Hey, how are you? I did instead... again, deleted it because it sounded formal.

Hey Brooke! I typed and realized that's the best I could come up with a mentally face-palmed because I sounded desperate. 

Why was it so hard for me to talk to this girl? I still couldn't wrap my head around it, but I just found myself thinking about her constantly and never getting her out of my mind. I thought. 

"Chan," I called out and got his attention. "What is this TV interview for again?" I asked.

"We're just going to be talking about our tour just ending, and then our new album that comes out in January." He called back to me and I nodded.

The way I'll have to be careful with Brooke tomorrow, for the fact that if any pictures get taken, I'll immediately get grilled on it on Tuesday.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had a notification, and trying not to seem desperate, I decided to give it a few minutes before I respond.


Brooke's POV



As I finished watching another movie on my laptop, I heard my phone go off and I grabbed it really fast to see Changbin had texted me. Trying not to seem like I was waiting for this message all morning, I waited a moment before opening it.

Hey, Brooke! His message read and for some dumb reason, it made me smile really big.

"Not you cheesing at a simple text," Yuna said, teasing me over his text.

"Fuck off, I'm not trying to," I said, blushing at the fact he makes me smile suddenly when a week ago his ass nearly took me out in an airport. 

"Why it gotta be all that!" She said laughing at me.

"Leave me alone," I stuck my tongue out at her. "How's Namjoon?" I raised an eyebrow and she flipped me off, and it was my turn to laugh now.

Hey, Binnie. How are you? I sent a text back. 

"Binnie?" Yuna asked me.

"It's a whole thing," I said.

"Mmmhmm, sure." She snickered. 

Before I could respond, my phone vibrated again and I decided to ignore her.

I'm good, how are you? He responded.

Good, just trying to figure out what movie I want to watch next on Disney+. I sent back while scrolling through the movies.

What one did you just watch? He asked.

I just got done watching Multiverse of Madness, but I'm thinking of rewatching Revenge of the Sith for the millionth time. I texted.

Are you a big Marvel and Star Wars fan? he sent back.

Yeah, I have a tattoo for Star Wars on my body, lol, I've been considering a Marvel one for a while too. I sent back, putting my phone down and starting the movie.

I heard my phone buzz but decided to wait a little bit because I wanted to watch the movie for a bit. Plus, Binnie could wait for a response.

"Not you making him wait," Yuna said after about forty minutes of us watching the movie.

"So sorry I was enthralled with the movie," I joked grabbing my phone. "Let me just text him back now." I rolled my eyes. 

You have tattoos? Changbin had asked.

Oh yeah, I have like seven, they're just in places you can't see. ;) I teased him but debated on sending it for a moment. 

"Not you flirting!" Yuna teased me, "You better send it."

"I shouldn't," I hesitated. "But I will." I stuck my tongue out and hit send.

"This poor boy," she laughed. 

"He'll be fine." I joked back. 

Oh? Like where? He texted back and me and Yuna both locked eyes for a moment.

"Not him matching your energy," Yuna said.

"What do I say!" I said, freaking out because of his flirting.

"Give me your phone." She said and I handed it to her.

"What are you saying?"

"You'll see." She said teasingly and then handed my phone back.

Guess you'll have to wait and find out. Is what she texted back and my jaw dropped.

"Now, you've really got his attention." She teased and I face-palmed as I waited for his message back.

What was I going to do with her?

SEOUL MATES | Seo Changbin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now