Chapter 1

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I woke up in a cold sweat, "shit" I thought to myself as I realised how late I was gonna be for school. "EDDIE GET UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE" my uncle said as he left for work. I put on jeans and my hellfire shirt and left the house. I got on my bike and it broke beneath me, I slammed my head against the ground before noticing the note near my now disassembled bike. "Hey freak! Enjoy driving your bike without screws! -Steve" Asshole. By the time I got to school it was already lunch so I went into the cafeteria and sat down with Gareth and Jeff. "Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Gareth laughed. I looked at him annoyed before realising I forgot my lunch at home. "I think he slept fine, it was the drive over here that was hectic wasn't it freak?" Jason said from across the cafeteria. Steve laughed and high fived Jason. "Fuck you you inbred peice of shit!" I said to Jason already mad at how the day was turning out. Jason turned around and walked up to the table. He looked me in the eyes and asked "what did you say freak?" "You heard me." before I could even think about I was doing Jason slammed my face onto the ground pressing it down till my nose started bleeding. "Hey... HEY! That's enough man!" Steve shouted at Jason. Jason let go of me and I stood up in pain. "Go cry to your uncle dickhead!" Jason said walking back to his table. Gareth and Jeff followed me to the bathroom so I could stop my nose from bleeding. I told them to go since the bell had rung and they didn't want to be late for class. They left and I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket. Before I could light it Steve walked in the bathroom, "Hey....." he said. "What do you want prick?" "I didn't... want to remove the screws in your bike you know. It was Jason's idea." He said "yeah? Well I don't give a fuck. Now move it turd." I said pushing past him.


"Now class we are going to have a project two people each group. Let's see.... Tammy and Brenda, Gareth and Jeff, Steve and Jason, and lastly chrissy and Eddie. *Bell rings* class dismissed" Fuck. I'm with Jason's girlfriend? Chrissy smiled at me and gave me a note. "This is my number, call me when you're free so we can work on this project." She said. Wow, she's not as bad as I thought- "HEY FREAK!" Jason shouted, I looked behind me and Jason pushed me to the ground. "No funny business with chrissy! She's already taken!" He said as he kicked my bag. "Yeah yeah okay" I said trying to get up from the ground. Chrissys number fell out of my pocket and Steve picked it up. "Hey you mind?" I said, Jason took the note and looked at me with disgust. "Is this her number?" Jason said angryly. I realised what he thought was going on and started booking it back home.

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