Chapter 71

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Steve woke up and noticed Eddie wasn't in bed, he was on the floor giggling. "Morning dickhead!" Eddie said peaking his head over his shoulder. "Morning asshole, what are you doing?" The half asleep steve asked. "Playing with gaaaary!" Eddie responded happily. "Awwwe cute." Steve said sarcastically. He stood out of bed and saw Eddie holding two of Gary's hands, or legs? And wiggling them in the air. "Look! He's dancing!" Eddie said happily. Steve chuckled and sat down cross legged near him. "I can't belive I used to hate you." The messy haired boy said jokingly. "Yeah, well looks like now I'm the one that hates you!" Eddie responded sarcastically. He put Gary back into his cage, he grabbed shirt and put it on while standing up slowly. "I'm making coffee, you want some?" He asked. Steve nodded and Eddie helped him stand up. "I'll be right back then!" Eddie said. Steve stayed in bed for around 5 minutes before putting on a pair of Eddie's pyjama pants and went into the kitchen. "HeyEddie- oh hi mister munson!" Steve said, "y'know you can call me Wayne. I don't mind." Wayne said.

Oh, that's nice... that's really... Great.

"Hey where's Eddie?" Steve asked noticing Eddie wasn't in the kitchen or living room. Wayne nodded his head towards the window and Steve saw Eddie smoking. He went outside and tapped Eddie's shoulder, Eddie had a cophing fit before turning his head to face Steve, "you good?" Steve asked Eddie nodded, "Yeah you just caught me by surprise." He said. Steve took Eddie's hand and held it all while staring widely across all the trailer parks, few people leaving with their car to get to work. Eddie finally put his cigarette out turned to face Steve, "wanna head inside?" Steve asked. "I'll stay out here for a few minutes." Eddie replied smiling. Steve went back inside all while being a tiny bit concerned about Eddie,

"Somthing on your mind?"

Wayne asked. "Oh- oh yeah I'm just wondering why Eddie is so stressed." Steve replied. "He's probably fine, yeah Eddie smokes when he's stressed but this early in the morning I'm sure he's just relaxing a little." Wayne said,

alright, yeah Steve should stop worrying. He's going to, why was he worrying in the first place, Eddie is completely fine. God someone is an overthinker-

"Well I'm off to work, I'm already late." Steve could see Wayne nudging Eddie's threw the stained window before he got into his car and left for work. Eddie went inside and smiled widely, "what? What is it?" Steve asked suspiciously, "Nothing! Nothing at all!" Eddie said trying to stop smiling. "You and Wayne have this goofy ass smile that you can't conceal so you saying 'it's nothing' doesn't convince me stupid." Steve said laughing. Eddie handed him a suitcase, "today is the day" Oh shit.


Eddie waited out of site on his bike eagerly biting his lips, Steve rung the doorbell. "Hello, Steven I know you received the call and I know your back here to...." he let out a sigh. "Hopefully stay. Though I'm

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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