Chapter 9

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Steve's pov:

After a few seconds of kissing we pulled away from eachother and Eddie had an expression on his face that looked happy, excited and in disbelief. "You okay?" I asked, "Yeah.... I just can't believe this." He replied. "Me neither, but I guess unexpected things happen don't they?" "So are we official now?" Eddie asked. I smiled and said "definitely."

Eddie's pov:

When Steve said that he looked scared, nearly concerned. "I won't tell Jason, don't worry." I said reassuring him, Steve had his head down and I lifted it back up by putting my hand on his cheek and saying "I promise." His face lit up and I hugged him. He wrapped his hands around me and I felt his heart beat faster. I felt that finally, for once in my life, I had been truly happy. "You are truly amazing Harrington you know that?" I said. We pulled away from eachother and Steve said "I have to go work in 20 minutes ed's" "how will I survive without you?" I said jokingly. "Mind if I change in your bathroom?" "Change? Do you have some sort of uniform?" I laughed. Steve rolled his eyes and went into the bathroom, after a few minutes he came out in a pirate looking costume and I burst out laughing. "BAHAHAH WHAT- I- OH MY GOD" I laughed "Yeah yeah hilarious I know." Steve said turning red. "WHERE DO YOU WORK!?" I asked. "Kids birthday party place" Steve replied. After a few minutes of laughing Steve said "I have to go or I'll be late" "come back later so we can finish that assignment okay?" I said sitting back on my bed.


"No you dumbass he was born in the 18th century" Steve said. "NO LOOK IT SAYS HE WAS BORN IN 1789" I screamed at him "THATS THE 18TH CENTURY DUMBASS" "Oh." I said. Steve rolled his eyes and wrote the finishing sentence of our assignment. "YEAAAAH FINALLY!" I shouted happily. "Yeah yeah woohoo." Steve said exhausted, I looked at the time and said "nearly time for my campaign we finished right on time" "Your campaign?" Steve asked "you know...... for dnd?" I said "oh my god is that what your shirt is?" Steve asked "have you JUST now realised?" I said sarcastically. Steve laughed and kissed me on my cheek, "well then I'll leave you to it munson" He packed up his stuff and closed the door behind him.

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