Chapter 41

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"I feel high as a kite." Nancy said. Eddie pulled his lips away from mine and looked at Nancy. "That's cause you are wheeler." "Stay in thar position Eddie I can't bare to see the sight of you eating Steve's face off." Robin said annoyed. "Alright fine then I'll smoke a cigarette." "God I'd usually tell you not to because I hate the smell but at this point I'm too high to give a fuck." Robin said. "Can I have one?" I asked. "I've only got one." Eddie said. "We'll share it then" I said. Eddie smiled and lit one, after a few minutes he passed it to me and grabbed a drink from out cooler. "Do you have beer?" Nancy asked "I've only got non alcoholic drinks sorry" "why?" "Do you want a crybaby backstory or do you want a coke?" Eddie said sarcastically. Nancy rolled her eyes and Eddie passed her a can, "I want to hear a crybaby backstory." Robin said. "Nice try but the only person who will ever know about that is my uncle and Bettsy." "Who the fuck is Bettsy?" Nancy asked confused. "My guitar. Named after my uncles ex-fiance, ex because he accidentally shot her on there wedding day." He said. "Hey where's Layla?" Robin asked. "Here!" I heard from behind a tree. "Oh hey Wayne. We are definitely not high!" Eddie said standing up. "If you're not high then this dog wasn't running in the streets and chewing on a dead squirrel. Here, enjoy the rest of your day you high idiots." Wayne said giving the leash to Eddie. He left and Nancy stood up concerned, "oh god is he gonna tell our parents?" She asked. "Nah, knowing him he's probably jealous he isn't high himself." Eddie said laying down on my lap. I stared down at him slowly fall asleep, his hair blowing in the cool breeze and his eyes close peacefully. I smiled and held his hand, I put out my cigarette and kissed his forehead.


"Woah, what time is it?" Eddie asked waking up. "It's around 5, I'm glad you woke up, I didn't have the heart to wake you up myself." I answer happily. Eddie smiled and kissed me, he stood up and packed our stuff up, Robin and Nancy climbed out of the water and dried off. It was quite chilly because the sun was covered by the clouds and the breeze had grown stronger, Eddie was shivering so I handed him my shirt. He held it in his hands for a little and clutched it tightly. He put it on and got in the car without saying a word.We got into Eddie's trailer and went to shower. Eddie was drying his hair and staring into space, "babe are you okay?" I asked concerned. Eddie nodded and put his towel down, he grabbed my shirt again and handed it to me. "You can keep it sweetheart." I said handing it back to him. "Oh.... really?" He asked surprised. "Yeah.... why are you acting weird?" I asked. Eddie shook his head abit before saying "I'm sorry, it's just your like really great and I'm wondering if you want to be with me. It's really stupid I know I'm sorry." I placed my hand on his face and lifted it up slowly. "Eddie, of course I want to be with you. I love you." I said. Eddie smiled and kissed me. His eyes looked into mine with a look of disbelief and sorrow, like they where on the verge of tears but nothing was coming out. His lips quivered abit and his nose scrunched up before he looked away and put his shirt on. "Eddie... you belive me right?" I asked. Eddie's voice shook abit before he nodded while looking at the floor. He was lying, he didn't belive that I actually loved him.

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