Chapter 3

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"Can I come in now?" Steve begged, I couldn't tell if his eyes where puffy because of all the rain or if he had been crying, but after laughing at him for a good 10 seconds I let him in. "You can sleep on the couch" I said heading back to my room. "Can I atleast get a towel?" Steve asked as he took off his wet jacket. "Your greedy aren't you Harrington?" I said jokingly, I handed him a towel and he immediately fell asleep on the couch. I went to bed realising how anoying it was going to be to wake him up in the morning.


I woke up at around 6:45 and shook Steve awake, "Fuck off mum I don't want to get up yet" Steve said half asleep. "Yes Steve it's me your mum we suddenly moved to a trailer in the middle of the night and I was transported into a 16 year olds body" I said sarcastically. "OH MY GOSH REALLY?" Steve shouted. "No dumbass get up your gonna be late." Steve asked if he could use the shower, I looked at him annoyed and said "do you want breakfast aswell pretty boy?" Steve shrugged me off and went into the bathroom. I was putting on my hellfire shirt when Steve screamed "EDDIE! IS THIS 2 IN 1 SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER!?" "Yeah..." I said confused "FUCK THAT IM NOT SHOWERING" Steve said leaving the bathroom, he left the bathroom shirtless. Wow, how the hell is he so hairy? "What are you looking at?" Steve asked. "The jungle you have growing on your chest apparently, put on a shirt." I said grabbing my school bag. I opened the door to see my uncle getting out of his car, bingo! "Wayne can I use the car to get to school?" I asked him. "Yeah.... yeah sure I don't care, don't crash or I'll cut your head off." He said walking into the trailer. We got into the trailer and Steve asked me "you have your drivers licence right?" "No. And yet I don't give a fuck." I started speeding purposely to scare Steve. When we got to school Jason was waiting for Steve outside the school. "Steve! There you are, why are you with this freak?" Jason said walking up to Steve. "I have to work on that project with him remember?" Steve said. Jason looked me up and down, then looked back at Steve and said "careful, this f@g might get a crush on you" I turned red with anger, Steve looked at Jason like he wanted to say something but kept quite. Jason rolled his eyes at me, grabbed Steve's arm and went inside. Dickhead, and I was starting to think he was a good guy aswell, I mean yeah he was a bit annoying, but he had a good sense of humour, and a cool personality and nice hair and a nose and a nice jacket and a nice chest and- wait what am I talking about? I looked up from the ground to see Gareth and Jeff walking over to me.
(Art by on insta!!)

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