Chapter 58

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Nancy waved goodbye and turned to ride home, after a while Robin said goodbye too. Lastly it was Steve and Eddie, Eddie was hugging Steve's back tightly whilst Steve peddled and hummed a song. "What are you listening to?" Eddie asked curiously, "oh nothing don't worry about it." Steve said. Eddie took Steve headphones off and put them on, "is this ABBA?" Eddie asked trying to hold in his laughter. "What! No! It's not! What's ABBA?" Steve said trying to pull the headphones off Eddie. Steve's lost his grip and they both went flying off his bike, "oh shit!" Steve shouted getting up. He went to help up Eddie who he thought was crying, "sweetheart are you okay?" Steve asked concerned before he noticed Eddie wasn't crying but he was laughing. "Don't worry I'm fine 'dancing queen'." Eddie said giggling. Steve got red with embarrassment and snatched his headphones of Eddie's head, they got back onto Steve bike and continued riding home. After a few minutes of silence Eddie's head rose abit, "Hey stevie, I have a question." He said. "Ask away." Steve replied. "Is 'dancing queen' your favourite song or are you more of a 'mama Mia' guy?" Eddie asked. "I hate you so much." Steve said while Eddie laughed "how do you even know their songs?" Steve asked. "My mother loved ABBA. After she'd come home from work she'd turn on the radio and hum all there songs while cooking dinner. Granted she was a bad cook and an even worse singer but that didn't stop her." Eddie said tiredly. He yawned before resting his head on Steve's shoulder, "I love you steve Harington." He said. Steve's heart fluttered before he smiled, "I love you more Eddie munson." He said.


Steve was in the shower while Eddie waited for him in his bedroom. Eddie was listening the sounds around him,

the wind, the birds, the shower, the stray cats outside fighting with the stray dogs.

But Eddie got so lost in the sounds he forgot to look out for the things around him. But suddenly the shower stopped, it had only been 5 minutes so Steve couldn't have been done. Confused Eddie stood up, but as he did he noticed the lights around him where flickering slightly.Soon they started flickering hardly, like someone was switching the lights on and off without stopping. "Steve?" Eddie called scared. But the only answer he got was the sound of a loud growl and snarl. Eddie fell to the ground and hit his head hard on his bed frame.

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