Chapter 66

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Eddie was putting on his vest. It was his second week on the job, and he couldn't be late. "You look nice. Where you going?" Steve asked. "Listen now I'm irresponsible but I know how to keep my job." Eddie replied. He gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and grabbed a hair tie from his room. "I'll see you later Harrington." He said. "Bye munson!" Steve followed. Eddie got on his bike and started riding to work, he had forgotten his Walkman so he ended up having to just listen and look at the sounds around him. Unusual for Eddie, he would usually blast music through his ears till he could barley hear himself think but now Eddie had nothing to listen to but his thoughts. And the trees, the birds, cars, Jason and the basketball team shooting their BB guns and stray cats. But soon he had already arrived at work. Here comes the shit show. "Hey linda, what's the order today?" Eddie asked. "I wouldn't know hun, I forgot to take their order, they're in there office right now you go ask." The lady said annoyed before getting back on the phone. Eddie begrudgingly went into one of the puffy offices, the ones that always smelled like cheap colone and bad breath before Eddie's coffee run. "Look who it is boys." Mr Barnes said. All the stuffy old men in suits 2 sizes too small chuckled, "somebody's late!" One of them said. "Sorry! I know, can I just get your orders?" Eddie asked trying not to sound annoyed.


Eddie has just finished passing off all of off the coffee orders and he was about to leave the room before- "thank you edalyn!" "It's Eddie." "Whoops! Looks like i slipped up! Silly me" one of the men said in a teasing matter. "You should really cut your hair if you want people to see you as a man." Another guy jumped in, "Nah he'd look like even more of a f@ggot!" The whole room full of Eddie's superiors burst into laughter, fuck. Who knew some dick heads who wrote the paper could be so horrid. Eddie rolled his eyes trying to act like he didn't care before he left the room slamming the door behind him. "You good hun? You look a lil' shaken." Linda asked chewing her gum obnoxiously as usual. "Well linda, my shift ends now so yeah, yeah I'm good." Eddie replied. He grabbed his bike helmet and left as fast as he could.

On his ride home he stopped by one of his favourite places to go too before he had made all his friends in hellfire.

He jumped off his bike and threw off his helmet, the long haired boy knelt down and called out for his little friends to come over. One by one around five cats had all come over to his calls, Eddie gladly sat down cross legged on the ground and gave all his attention to the little monsters purring and meowing around him. Slowly, he had started to remember all the names he gave them. Juniper, was the ginger one, the black cat with a white tip on her tail was Lucy. then the brown tripped one, gizmo and lastly the two black and white twins where philbert and kas. Before he could think of anything else going on he checked his watch to see that an hour already went by so he got back in his bike, waved goodbye and left as quickly as he had come.

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