Chapter 15

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Eddies pov:

"Hello there!" Robin said scaring me. "Jesus christ" I said jumping out of my skin. Steve woke up aswell and rubbed his eyes "how.... how are you in here?" I asked sitting up from Steve's lap. "The door was open dingus, anyone could have walked right in here in the dead of night and kill you both in your sleep." Robin said laughing. I threw a pillow in her face and Steve laughed. "Okay number 1 r.u.d.e. number 2 are you guys up for anything today I'm bored and we've got no school." Robin asked, "I mean we could go to the movies." I said "boorrrriiiinnnnggg and basic too." Steve said nudging me. "Do you have a better idea?" "Yeah a way better one. You know skull Rock?" "Yeah what about it?" I asked curiously. "Jason, chrissy, Tommy and Carol are having a little get together there." "I like where this is going." Robin said enthusiastically "I say, we shit on there parade, you know like a prank that will have a long lasting effect." "So like we Carrie them?" I said excitedly. "Exactly."

Robins pov:

"Okay yeah great idea, amazing idea even but where are we gonna get pig blood from?" I asked confused. Stev looked stumped but Eddie had a grin on his face. "I have something that will leave a longer lasting impact." Eddie said. He jumped up from the sofa and walked fastly to the bathroom. Me and Steve followed to see Eddie with around 5 bottles of red hair dye. "What the hell-" "I had a phase when I was younger dont worry about it." Eddie said cutting me off.


"Hey Robin?" Steve said I looked at him and nodded. "Now that eddie can't hear.... can I tell you something?" "Oh god... don't tell me you want to break up with him" I said concerned. "WHAT!? OH GOD NO! but, I've got something important to tell you."


"So.... you stabbed his foot, but didn't mean to.... because Jason technically did it, but you where there.... and you didn't do anything because Jason would tell your parents your friends with Eddie?" I said reciting everything Steve had told me. "Mhm..." "and you haven't told Eddie?" "No..... but I've been meaning to for so long but I just don't know how to bring it up!" Steve said nearly tearing up. "Hey! Don't cry, I mean you didn't mean to do it, and if you didn't you wouldn't be seeing Eddie at all. I'm not saying you did the right thing but you didn't do the wrong thing either." I said patting Steve on the back. Steve smiled and we hurried closer to eddie. "Robin, sweetheart, as we planned" Eddie said with a grin on his face. I went behind a tree getting ready to distract tommy, Carol, chrissy and Jason while Steve and eddie carried the bucket of hair dye to the top of skull Rock. "Hey Jason, why didn't Steve come with Nancy or something?" Tommy asked. "Uhh that dickhead? He's probably acting gay with that freak, you know, I'm surprised munson still wanted to be with him after Steve-" realising what Jason was about to reveal I jumped out from behind the tree and shouted gibberish. They all looked at me confused and stood up to come see what I was yelling. "NOW!" I shouted. Eddie and Steve poured the red hair dye all over them, I ran past them and when I finally got near Steve and eddie they started running with me.
(Fanart is by @_.hannaart on instagram)

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