Chapter 56

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Eddie woke up in a cold sweat wrapped around in Steve's arms. Steve was snoring loudly and Eddie chuckled before slowly getting up as to not wake up Steve, but Steve woke up nonetheless. "Morning darling." Steve said rubbing his eyes. Eddie turned swiftly and let out a sigh of relief, "Hey Steve." Steve stood up and ran his hands through Eddie's hair. "Can I do your hair?" Steve asked. "I mean... yes but... why are you asking me this?" Eddie asked taken aback. Steve giggled and sat eddie down on his bed, "yesterday, when you where high, you did my hair. And we spoke, and I enjoyed that. And now I think its time I repay the favour." Steve said brushing through Eddie's hair. Eddie thanked Steve before going silent for a bit, once in a while Eddie would jolt up when Steve would brush through a knot in his hair. Steve took Eddie's wrist,

Eddie prayed Steve didn't see them.

and the elastic band off it, he tied Eddie's hair up into a low pony tail and rested his head on Eddie's shoulder."All done." Steve whispered hugging Eddie's back.

Eddie could barley hold back at that point, he felt so much love towards steve. All that mixed with a looming feeling that he would leave felt horrible.

Eddie rubbed his eyes free of tears and turned back to face Steve, "What's wrong?" Steve asked concerned. "Nothing..." Eddie said hugging Steve back, "I just love you. And I really mean that." He said. Steve smiled and kissed Eddie happily. One thing lead to another and they where both making out on Eddie's bed, before "HEYOO- ooh wrong time." Robin said. Steve stuck his head up annoyed, "Yeah no shit." He replied. "Should- should I go?" Robin asked. "YES-" "no, forget it. The magic is gone." Eddie said cutting Steve off. "Oh alright! I'll wait for you outside!" Robin said in a cheery tone. "Lord she can not take social cues" Eddie said under his breath. Steve got off Eddie and scoffed, "it's not like you are any better darling." He said putting his shoes on. "What? What do you mean?" Eddie asked confused. "Eddie if I made a list it would be as long as Santa's list of names for the good and naughty boys." Steve said sarcastically. "I think that's funny but seeing as I've never been on the 'good list' I find that highly offensive." Eddie said jokingly. "What? Why?" "I mean when I was with my parents they didn't care about Christmas, and me and my uncle have always been to poor to afford anything for eachother." Eddie replied.

Steve felt guilty, he never realised how lucky he was growing up. Looking at how humble and caring eddie was after all he had been through. It made him feel bad about everything he had put Eddie through when he was a kid.

Before Steve could say anything else Eddie grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek, "let's go sweetheart, I don't want to swim in the dark." He said. "Woah you've never gotten a Christmas present?" Steve asked concerned. "Babe. I've been through hell and back. For Christmas all I needed was me and my uncle sitting down on the couch exchanging trash talk about this everyone in this town and drinking hot cocoa." Eddie replied. Steve stood confused before Eddie nudged his shoulder. "Can we go?" He asked again. Steve nodded and ran hand in hand with Eddie out of the house to meet with robin and Nancy.

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