Chapter 24 - Dancing Around

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 A/N: This is the song that plays near the end of the chapter.

The picture is what Elsa is wearing. (And if you're thinking, "Hey, I recognize that dress, I think I know this author" – no you don't <3.)

Jack's POV

Her hair was down and flowing around her shoulders, and she wore silver and blue eye makeup and sparkly silver snowflake earrings that were dangling from a chain of small crystals. Her shoes were low silver heels with rhinestones woven into the netting.

"You're drooling," Tooth whispered into my ear, giggling. I wanted to give her a witty retort, but I couldn't stop staring at Elsa.

"Hi guys!" Anna flounced over to us and kissed Kristoff on the cheek. "You all look so great! Look at us, a group of fabulously dressed individuals."

Elsa giggled. "I couldn't agree more."

"Ooh, I love this song!" Rapunzel exclaimed, grabbing Flynn's arm. "Come on, let's dance!"

Somehow we all ended up on the dance floor. I can't dance for my life, so I was just letting loose and having fun, hoping to everything that no one was watching me. All the girls had grouped up and were dancing together, so us guys were just on the perimeter. Somehow I ended up doing some weird dance sequence with Flynn that I don't even know how to describe, but it was fun. I was pretty sure that with enough time, I could become good friends with this guy.

"Hey, Anna, I see Mama and Papa," I heard Elsa say as soon as the song changed. "Let's go say hi."

"Oh, I'll go too," Rapunzel said. The three of them left the floor and walked over to one of the tables.

"Did you guys see the way Jack was looking at Elsa?" Tooth shouted over the music.

"I know!" Hiccup shouted back. "I almost had to reach over and close his mouth at one point!"

"Oh, give the man a break." Kristoff laid his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah, thanks, Kristoff," I replied, glaring at my friends.

Bunny just laughed. "I never thought I'd see Jack so smitten."

"I refuse to stand for this," I said.

"Then sit down," Hiccup said.

"Let's just shut up and dance," Astrid said.

Merida laughed.

The next song was a slow song, so I bowed out and stood by one of the tables watching the people on the dance floor. I saw Mr. Shrek dancing with his wife, and behind them was Mr. Mouse with a woman I assumed was his wife. Anna and Rapunzel had come back and were dancing with their boyfriends, Hic and Astrid were dancing together, and Bunny had started dancing with some girl whose name I'm pretty sure was Jill. I saw Tooth and Sandy holding hands and casually swaying together, which made me laugh.

A movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention and I turned to see Elsa walking over, looking a little annoyed. "Everything okay?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine, I just – it's nothing."

I decided not to push it. I looked around awkwardly for a moment before turning back to her and holding out my hand. "Wanna dance?" I asked, half-smiling.

She looked up at me, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. "Sure."

She took my hand, and I led her onto the dance floor. I wasn't sure what she was comfortable with, but after she placed her hands on the back of my neck, I decided it was probably safe to just lightly rest my hands on her hips. The way we were standing, we were almost stuck staring into each other's eyes.

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