No Other Man

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He looks amazing.

Like walking, dripping, deep sex.  

He always looks amazing but tonight? It's like he's been notched up to a whole other level. The pride pulsing in your chest may be making him that much more attractive this evening.

He's being celebrated, as he should, for his spread coming out in Another Man. He deserves it. The photos were breathtaking. The articles and interviews were exceptional. You knew his fans were going to love it. You loved it. 

You're watching him across the room, talking with his hands, making the rings adorning his fingers catch the light every so often. He's so inviting. You know once he gives someone his attention he zeroes in on them and pulls them in just with his eyes. Not to mention that he genuinely gives whoever he's talking to his full attention. You've seen the person he's talking with stammer once they have his focus, recognizing the nervous laugh that you use to sport more times than not around him. Now, not so much. But you weren't immune, you just got better at hiding it. 

His head tilts back as he laughs and your eyes immediately go to the creases that form on the back of his neck. Noticing how elongated his neck is, begging to be bitten. How the outside of his eyes crinkle with his smile, lighting up his whole face. You can't help but to admire him. He looks tall and lean in his pristinely tailored suit. His hair perfectly coiffed, begging to be messed up. Your eyes flick down to his jaw then to his hand, black painted fingernails wrapped around his glass the way you want them wrapped around your throat. 

Sometimes if you wonder if this is normal. If it's normal to look at someone just being - them - and feel your heart and stomach twist simultaneously. To watch someone do the most mundane things but somehow make your heart swell with love for them by just existing. To see them doing something completely normal that somehow triggers your mind to suddenly filter in a memory of the way their face looks when they're about to orgasm. 

That's always how it's been with Harry.

But especially now. He's been so busy, between the movie and his album and the press and everything that goes along with his job, you haven't had much time for each other. He's been traveling a lot and while you are use to him coming and going, accustomed to only having him in spurts, it doesn't make you miss him any less. 

He flew in late last night, long after you had already been asleep. He snuck into your home quietly and made his way to your shared bedroom to find you curled around his pillow. He stripped down to his boxers and slid into the bed, slowly taking the pillow out of your arms to replace it with his body, relaxing as you wrapped your arm around his waist and nuzzled your face into his neck with a sleepy "love you" against his skin. He repeated the words back to you as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and fell asleep within minutes. The comfort of being back in your bed lulling him almost instantly. 

When you woke up this morning, his side of the bed was empty yet still warm to the touch. You threw a sweatshirt on to cover your skin from the cold morning air and went downstairs to find him sitting at the kitchen island with Jeff going over a million and one things that he had going on.

The rest of the day followed in the same pattern. You stole kisses and quick words of how much you missed each other when you could. You sat curled into Harry's lap on the couch as people from his team came in and out, going over the schedule for the rest of the day, the week, the month. But you never really got to have more than five minutes alone with him. You missed him even while he was right next to you.   

Watching him now from across the room, all you can feel is how much you've missed him. His breath on your face, the warmth of his skin, the softness of his lips, the roughness of his fingers holding onto you. It was consuming you the longer you gazed at him.

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