Late Night Talking

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harry wasn't a hundred percent sure what was happening. it was you, just you. y/n, his band mate and best friend. and love of his life that annoying voice in his head whispered and he swatted away at nothing, earning curious looks from mitch and sarah.

the tone of the facetime call was soothing and nerve wrecking, as he waited for your familiar face to pop up on the screen. glancing at the clock, he swore slightly under his breath. it was nearly 2 am, were you even awake?

his question was answered when the answer shwoop caught his attention, and after a few blurry pixels, before clearing up and morphing into your face. his heart sped up at the sight of your hair, ruffled and messy, and the slight swell of your sleepy eyes.

"ello babe, did i wake ya?" he asked, watching as you hummed a soft no in response, the stretch of your arms giving away the truth : you were, in fact, asleep. "no?? then why'd you look like death reincarnated?" he smirked, watching as you rolled your eyes.

"oh bugher off harold, fine i was sleeping but i'm awake now" you grumbled at the grinning man on your phone screen, ignoring the butterflies in your tummy at that cheshire cat grin. that stupid, stupid, Cheshire cat grin.

"sorry, didn't mean to wake ya" he mumbled, feeling a twinge of guilt. "nah, s'okay, i gotta get to the studio anyway" you replied, watching as his eyes brightened.

"you're in the studio soon? whacha working on?" he asked, watching as you began to move about turning on your mushroom bedside lamp, something he realized with a blush, was gifted to you by him.

"yeah, thought it was time to haul my ass to the studio before the fans have my 'ead on a stake" you replied, hearing his deep laugh resonate through the speaker.

"been working on a few ballads, a r n b ish song, slight kehlani vibes and then ive done a 180° with something that sounds like it's off a  bon jovi or queen album" you snorted, and harry felt that familiar fondness rise in his chest.

"kehlani, bon jovi, freddie mercury and ballads. 'can already see it making sense" he giggled, and you laughed. "yeah, hasn't really come together yet, but m'hoping it does soon" you confided, feeling a little worry creep into your heart.

"all okay darlin?" he asked, watching as your pretty eyes clouded over a little bit. "no, s'okay, just a little concerned 'cuz i havent released a song in a bit, don't know how the fans'll respond" you admitted, biting down on your thumb, your nervous tick.

he caught on immediately. "hey, look at me, s'okay. whatever you put out, theyre gonna love it. your fans adore ya darlin' and they'll be glad to get new content. and i know i can't wait for it either" he smiled softly at you, seeing the way your shoulders visibly relaxed and that sparkle reappeared in your eyes.

"thank you haz. y'always know what to say, don't ya?" you smiled, seeing him flush slightly.

"well, i learnt from the best didnt i?" he replied, and you felt that slight light headedness again. why did he make you feel so...giddy? so happy? so comfy? he was just harry, your best friend, your band mate and now, your superstar best friend. it wasn't as though you felt this way with liam, louis, niall or even zayn.

this was different. this was electric. this was safe.

this was home.


you groaned in frustration as the note rang off into dead silence again. this bridge was going to kill you, you were sure of it. your eyes travelled to the clock in the studio, sighing as you registed the time, 2:58 am. had you really been in the studio for ten hours straight? apparently, yes.

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