Baby's First Brits

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Nervous. Excited. Anxious. In disbelief.

Y/N could list more words to describe her emotions, but she'd run out of time, and her manager had already told her that the car was five minutes away. The Brits were something she had dreamed of winning, and then she had won with the boys and she was so happy.

But this was a new kind of excitement. This time, the music was all her own. Her lyrics. Her voice. Her emotion. And she was very nervous. She was nominated for Female Artist of the Year, Album Of The Year, and Best British Single. When she had heard she had one nomination, she had felt her heart stop. Then Charlotte, her manager had told her that she was nominated in two more categories. They had both cried. they were both emotional, and then the excitement kicked in.

And here they were, Y/N in an outfit that THE Vera Wang had designed especially for her first time going solo to the Brits. Gently running her hands along the shimmery material of the suit that she was wearing, Y/N looked at the mirror one more time. The suit wasn't a traditional suit, it had a Y/N touch to it. Black and glittery, she was wearing the suit pants and the suit jacket, all a touch more feminine. But there was no shirt, no. It was a sparkly bra top, and it was absolutely stunning. She loved the outfit, paired with a pair of sleek, leather heels, she looked, as Charlotte said 'a vision'

A mature red lip sealed off her look. Accompanying her on her important day were a group of friends, including Naomi, her producer, Nigel, her co writer, Rachel, lead electric guitarist and Charlotte. All these people had contributed to her success and she was grateful to every single one of them. Piling into the limo, they settled down onto the luxurious seats, and Naomi leaned forward to reach for a bottle of Chardonnay in the ice buckets.

"Drinking already are we Naomes?" Y/N asked, giggling softly. "You bet, can you believe i'm going to have worked with a Brit winner after tonight?' Naomi replied, taking a sip of wine from the long, glittery champagne glasses. "Potential Brit winner" Y/N corrected her, adjusting the glittery straps of her bra top. "Please, everyone knows you are gonna win, and us pretending to look surprised when you win is just a formality" Rachel said leaning forward to grab herself a glass of wine too.

"Oh come on, give the girl a break. She's practically radiating heat now, and I don't want her fainting or something because she was nervous" Charlotte exclaimed, giving Y/N, a friendly nudge on the shoulder. This in turn made Nigel snort into his glass of champagne, and spill a considerable amount of liquid onto the limo floor. "NIGEL!" exclaimed Naomi, jumping up to avoid the sudden spray of champagne. "ohmygosh I'm so sorry!" the mortified man responded, to gales of laughter from the girls

"Chill Nige, its okay, although I wish I could have taken a picture of your face!" she replied throwing her head back to laugh. "bitch you should be glad I love you, and imma let that slide" he responded, leaning forward to kiss her cheek. Y/N helped by leaning forward. "PHOTO OP, HOLD IT' Rachel exclaimed, reaching out to grab the polaroid camera Nigel had insisted they bring along. Holding the pose, Rachel quickly snapped the picture and the two went back to sitting normally.

"Babes, we have got to have a little photoshoot at the Brits" Rachel said, leaning forward to wrap her arm around her best friend's shoulders. "Yeah, we should!' Y/N said, resting her head on Rachel's shoulder. "Oh stay like that, thats another photo op"

Maintaining their position, they smiled at the camera, ad Charlotte snapped a photo. "Oh we're here!" Naomi exclaimed, looking up to see the O2 Arena. "Finally ! Now let's go win some awards!" Nigel said, standing up as the limo stopped. Seeing the 02 had lead to a return of the butterflies in her tummy, and Y/N suddenly felt nervous again. Seeing the apprehension in her eyes, Charlotte bent down and took her hands into her own.

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