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I blinked my eyes into focus slowly, my night stand directly in my line of vision.  I noticed the light catching one of my rings sitting on the small plate that held the other five that I had worn the night before. The clock read 8:33am, making me groan as I stretched my body and inhaled deeply into the pillow that my arms were tucked under. It smelled like her shampoo and my mind immediately flashed with memories of last night.

"Stay at mine," I stated as I nudged her chin up with my nose so I could place light kisses down the side of her neck. Her skin was so soft and raised in familiar goosebumps when I sucked the spot below her ear. 

"Bossy," she replied instantly in a flat tone. But when I pulled my face away to look at her she was already smiling up to the ceiling. 

We were alone in the hallway that lead to the back exit where a car was waiting for us. I pressed my body into hers more, squeezing my fingers into the flesh of her hips as I tried to keep the smile at bay that was begging to form on my lips.

"Please," I asked softly, my eyes scanning hers as we both started to let our smiles lift our lips in unison. 

It's been going on for a while. We've been seeing each other regularly and have that same type of conversation at the end of every night out. She always waits for me to ask, knowing that I will and every time she teases me.  I like it. Probably because I know she doesn't have any intention of not staying with me.

A faint bang pulled me from my thoughts. I turned over to find an empty bed, the comforter flipped over to reveal creased sheets that held her body last night, just like I did.  And just like every other morning my lips pulled into a small smile against my will. Usually it was from waking up to her hair splayed out on the pillow in a knotted mess and her cheeks flushed from sleep. She's never woken up before me, until now. 

I pulled myself out of bed, slipped on a clean pair of boxers and went to the bathroom to take a piss. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs to find her in the kitchen.  She was wearing the tee shirt and panties she slept in last night, her hair unbrushed and bare feet tapping to the music she had playing as she scrambled eggs in a frying pan.

I leaned against the door frame for a moment, taking in the image of her effortlessly gliding around my kitchen. She flipped bacon in the second pan she had going on the stove top before tossing a big handful of spinach into the eggs. Her hips swayed to the song as she sang softly to herself while she cooked, totally unfazed by my presence. 

I padded across the room quietly, reaching my hands out to wrap around her waist once I was close enough, her body going still for half a second as I encased her in a hug, pressing myself into her back and tucking my chin over her shoulder. 

"Mornin'," I mumbled before turning to place a kiss to her cheek. "Wha's this?" 

"Wanted to make you breakfast for a change," she spoke as she pulled the bacon from the pan to place it on a plate lined with a paper towel. She released a small breathy laugh as she tried to lean over the counter for the other plate that she couldn't reach due to me holding her tighter to my chest. 

"Thank you baby," I spoke softly as I leaned with her, resembling a rag doll thrown over her back. It seemed more logical for me to move with her so she could plate the eggs than it did for me to let her go.  She flicked the burners off and twisted in my arms, wrapping her arms around my shoulder. The soft skin of her underarms sent a small chill down my spine as she pushed her weight into me, walking me back the few steps until I was leaning against the island. 

"Had to take advantage of you sleeping in for once," she teased with a smirk before kissing my cheek and untangling my arms from her waist. I stayed put, pouting with my arms hanging at my sides as I watched her plate the food for us. She turned back to me with both of our plates and leaned over the counter, her hip brushing against mine as she put the plates in front of the stools on the other side of the island. 

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