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"God, I just wanna taste you."

His words were barely whispered against your skin, so much so that you could feel them more than you could hear them.  His lips felt like zaps of electricity where they grazed your neck, smooth and soft. His hands were strong on your hips, fingers digging so desperately into flesh that you weren't sure who was holding who up anymore.

It had been so long. So much longer than expected that the energy in the room was unmatched and utterly emotional. His moments of choked words and glistening eyes were given freely.

The night was surreal, to say the least.

And it was written all over his face - the gratitude and appreciation and love.  If anyone doubted him or where his heart lay, they didn't anymore.  He made himself perfectly clear. 


"Please, love." 

With all his emotions and relief from finally being on that stage again came the other side of the coin. The side that made his skin crawl, the side that had his ego puffed up just enough to be attractive instead of pungent. The side that had his heart racing when the last drum beat rippled through the air of the arena and kept his blood boiling for hours to come.

He was insatiable in every sense of the word.  He was on a normal day, but pair it with the high he got from being on stage and you had... what? What was more than insatiable? Voracious? Whatever could be construed as more intense, that was Harry after a show.  After his first show.

"They're already headed to the restaurant," you half heartedly reasoned as his tongue licked softly at the base of your neck. Because the truth was, you could barely breathe with how badly you wanted him too.

There's something about watching the person you love while they exist in their passion. While they're in their element and filled with endless joy. It's like their feelings come back to you tenfold, as if your energy matches theirs while you experience them living - while they're in the depths of their own personal euphoria.

You felt that every time you watched him live his dream. It was like your love for him exploded from your chest, along with the 40,000 other hearts in the room, all collectively floating through the air to reach him at the center of it all.

But when the music fell silent and the night came to a close, your heart remained etched into his skin, and his in yours.

His lips were like fire when they trailed up your jaw and met your mouth, his bottom lip fitting between yours almost too effortlessly. Like it had been carved there before, a perfect hiding spot.

He tasted like the champagne you had already begun celebrating with just moments after his boot clad feet left the stage.  His skin was still incredibly warm, his veins still pulsing with adrenaline.  You could feel his stomach clench when your fingertips slipped down from his chest and across his torso, nails catching the waistband of his trousers. His hum vibrated against your waiting mouth, lips sucking needy kiss after kiss from you. With your eyes blissfully closed you only heard the sound of sequins shuttering as he shrugged out of his vest, his body melting back into yours just as quickly as it left.

He had you pinned against the wall of his dressing room, the intended quick shower and wardrobe change turning into so much more.

"I'll be quick," he murmured into your mouth, a smirk teasing against your lips.

"No you won't." Your breathless laugh met his eagerly dark chuckle before you were tugged away from the wall and wrapped up in him again.

And then it was a whirlwind of your ass meeting the dressing table and his tongue meeting your tongue and his hands meeting the skin beneath the hem of your dress. Within seconds he was pressing wet kisses to your chest and lowering to his knees before you.

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