To Be So Lonely

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"We can't keep doing this." You spoke around a gasp, his tongue flattening against your pulse as he squeezed your hips.

You pushed your hands up into his hair, gripping the thick strands roughly between your fingers, pulling a deep groan from the back of his throat.

"Last time," he mumbled against your neck, his hand reaching between you to take hold of his length. 

A hand slipped down his back until you could sink your nails into one of his plump cheeks, effectively pulling him closer. He messily swiped his tip through your folds, electricity shooting over your skin at the contact. You moaned into his neck when he pushed in - one full thrust, filling you completely.   

It had happened so many times now, you lost track. 

You broke up. You'd been broken up. But he still called, and you still answered. And you'd end up here, moaning into his mouth as he pumps himself into you at a sinful pace.

"Oh my god," you breathed, digging your nails deeper into his plush skin. 

He rolled his hips into yours at the perfect pace, the perfect angle, the perfect... everything. Of all the things you couldn't get right together, this wasn't one of them. 

One of his hands found your waist, anchoring you down to the bed as he delivered the most exquisite, hard thrusts. Deep and digging. Long and punctuated. Each one getting a sharp moan to slip from your lips. And he lived for it - the sounds you made, the feel of your hands gripping him, your chest pressed tightly to his, your heart practically vibrating against your sternum.   

"Fuck," he groaned into your neck, wet lips frantically sucking against your sensitive skin. "Clench down on me again," he instructed hotly, moaning as soon as he felt you tighten around him. "Fuck, that's it." He kept his pace, grunting beautifully with every thrust. 

And you were a mess, haphazardly gripping to different parts of him - his ass, his back, his neck, his hair. You couldn't find a stable spot to latch onto, something to keep you from floating away with him. 

His hand slipped beneath you when your back arched, your head tilting back further into the mattress. He was everywhere, all you could see and smell and feel, was him.

You shouldn't have picked up the call, you shouldn't have listened to the deep timber of his voice, to the tone he gave you - practically begging. You shouldn't have continued letting this happen. But you couldn't fucking stop. He couldn't stop calling. And you couldn't stop saying —

"Yes." He was so deep, pushing every brink, every wall. Your eyes rolled back, his choked gasps sprinkling across the skin of your collar bone.

"Y'feel so fuckin' good." His words were clipped, pushed harshly from his lips as his hips enthralled you. How could someone feel this good? How could he always hit exactly the right spot at the exact right pace? 

But he did. Every single time. 

"There," you gasped, angling your hips up so that he could drive into the spot. Your vision was spotty as he kissed back up your neck, his forehead pinning to yours firmly. "Don't stop," you begged when you felt his hips slow into an even keeled, digging roll.

And he didn't stop. He rolled his hips into yours over and over, at the most agonizing pace. Fire licked up your spine at the same moment his mouth found yours, a breathy moan coating your tongue as you clamped down on him.

He glanced down when you slipped a hand between you, mezmorized for a moment, watching your fingers circle your clit. One of his hands found your neck when he brought his eyes back to yours, gripping softly as he fucked you into the mattress. Your core spasmed around him, begging for more. 

"Right there?" he questioned, his eyebrows furrowed deeply. His mouth fell open in a moan when you nodded, your eyelids blinking heavily as you panted with each thrust. "Fuck... fuck."

You could tell he was close, holding out as best he could, wanting you to get there. His head tipped down suddenly, his lips suctioning around your nipple as he groaned. Your center pulsed with every flick of his tongue, your fingers speeding up against your clit until you were falling, gasping his name, clenching down on him as you came.     

He released your breast with a pop, surging forward to slant his mouth over yours, sucking harsh, messy kisses from your lips. You could barely even reciprocate, your mouth hanging open around a moan that didn't keep him from biting into your bottom lip.

And then his hips were stuttering into yours - a deep, raspy "fuck" escaping from the back of his throat as he came. Thick ropes of his cum shooting so deep inside you that you were gasping into his mouth, your legs shaking at the pressure of him inside you. 

He collapsed against you with a huff, his sweaty skin sticking to every inch of you. You caught your breath weakly, your arms falling from his body to flop onto the mattress. His face was tucked into your neck, hot breath fanning out over your skin, a contrast to the chill you felt as the sweat dried.

And if you let yourself think about it too long, you'd yearn for a time when he would roll off of you with a laugh. When he would gently clean you up with a towel, when he would kiss you and hold you close. 

But that didn't happen now. Now, you cleaned yourself up in the bathroom alone as he awkwardly dressed. Now, you looked into his somber, still hopeful eyes as you told him it didn't change anything. Now, you watched him leave, after repeating that this was the last time, reiterating that you both needed to stop doing this. Just like you did every time.   

Usually, you'd feel an emptiness once he was gone. And you'd have the underlying feeling that no, this probably wouldn't be the last time. 


Not now.

Not anymore.

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