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You slowly open your eyes, the bright sun peaking through the curtains. You shade your eyes with your hand before looking to your right and see a sleeping Harry. You decide to wake him, knowing he'll want to come to your doctors appointment which is in a couple of hours, but it takes a while to drive out there.

You pepper soft kisses all over his chest and abs, before going up to his neck. You hear a soft groan from him, signaling that he's waking up. You continue kissing at his neck, waiting for him to say something.

"Mornin', angel." He says, mindlessly taking a piece of your hair and twirling it around his finger. "How'd y'sleep?" He says, his raspy morning voice very prominent.

"I slept very well, baby. Did you?" He nods his head before kissing my forehead gently. "The reason I woke you up though was to ask if you wanted to come to my doctors appointment? I'm getting my flu shot and it always helps me whenever you tag along. So if you don't mind or if you're not busy with work, would you come along?"

"'Course I'll come, kitten. Wouldn't miss it f'the world. What time d'you gotta be there?" He says in the most loving voice he can possibly put on. "Um, I actually have to get going in about an hour and a half if that still works for you. It's totally okay if it doesn't, I'll understand. I know you're busy with work and-" I'm cut off by Harry placing his lips on my rambling ones.

"Don't even worry, honey. Y'know I'll be with y'every step of the way. I love you s'much, baby.  Never forget that." He says, placing a kiss on my forehead, neither of us needing to say anything, the kiss being a strong enough bond for each of us to know exactly how the other is feeling at the moment.


"Alright, so it's time for your flu shot, love. I'll go ahead and grab the nurse. She'll be with you very shortly." Your doctor says, sending a friendly smile your way, knowing you hate shots. As soon as she leaves the room, you let go.

You head falls to your knees which are tucked close to your chest. The sobs and tears that you were choking back during your whole checkup are just now making their way out and within an instant, Harry is sitting next to you on the bed, placing a loving hand on your thigh, caressing it softly with his thumb.

You build up the courage to look at him and as soon as you do, you regret it. Your red puffy eyes and tear stained face meet his very sad-looking face, making you start crying all over again. You didn't know you hurt him that bad. "Oh, baby. Hey, hey, come 'ere, my sweet girl." He says, pulling you into his chest. You suddenly hear a knock on the door and a nurse walk in, scaring the living shit out of you.

You look over to see the flu shot, your breath hitching in your throat. To one, the size of the needle may seem like nothing; but to Y/N, it was the largest needle you had ever seen. At least that's what your mind told you. Harry pulls you onto his lap, making you straddle him. He wraps his arms tightly around you and you reciprocate the action.

"Alright Y/N, I'm assuming we're gonna do this in the left arm today, am I right?" You nod your head, not wanting to say a word, knowing all that will come out is a sob. Harry peppers soft kisses on your neck causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach, calming you down slightly.

Normally, you two don't show much PDA other than holding hands and the occasional kiss but he knows how much his touch calms you down. "Alright, I'm going to count to three and it'll be over in a second, okay? Try taking some deep breaths for me and relax your shoulders." You slowly move your shoulders down that we're practically touching your ears and you take some deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.

You hear the nurse start to count and you pinch your eyes shut, hoping that would help. You feel the needle go into your arm and let out a small whimper, only loud enough for Harry to hear. You feel him squeeze you impossibly tighter after he heard the painful sound leave your precious lips.

"It's okay, baby. It's over now. No need to stress about it anymore." He whispers in your ear as the nurse collects everything she brought into the room and walks out. You want to let out the sob you've been holding in for the past few minutes but you don't want to seem like a wimp to Harry, so you decide to just hold it in until you're on your own.

"Y'ready to go, angel?" He asks and you nod your head, hopping off the bed and intertwining his fingers with yours.

You stand in the elevator, just the two of you and he brings your entwined hands to his lips and leaves a lingering kiss before keeping your hand there, closing his eyes with so much peace of mind.


You are sat in the bedroom you share with Harry while he takes a shower, letting out the tears you've held in all day due to being with Harry for most of the day. Now that he's showering, you thought it was the perfect time to release the tension you've had all over today.

You don't notice the shower had turned off before it's too late and Harry is already in your bedroom after he heard you crying from the bathroom.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's got m'girl so upset, huh?" He says in his calming, raspy voice, kneeling down next to where you are, your eyes just barley peeking out from underneath the covers. "Just leave me alone, Haz." You say, your voice cracking due to the tears you've shed.

"I'm not jus' going to leave y'here to cry on your own, love. No way 'm I doin' that. But, I do need t'go put some clothes on so while I do that, y'can marinate in your emotions a little bit longer, okay?" He says, caressing your cheek with his thumb, your whole head out from under the covers now.

"Kissy?" You manage to say without your voice cracking, puckering your lips. He puts his lips on yours, your eyes and his fluttering shut. However, the sweet moment only lasts for a few seconds before he goes to put some clothes on.

As he is getting dressed for bed, you lay in the bed, staring at the ceiling and you feel tears coming from your eyes, yet no sounds or whimpers are coming from your mouth.

A few moments later, you feel the bed dip and you immediately know it's Harry. "Now, kitten...I need y'to tell me what's upsetting you. Wan' t'know if there's possibly anything I can do t'help you, okay? Y'think you can do that f'me sweet girl?" You want to tell him so badly. You really do. But telling him your still crying over the flu shot? That will definitely make you sound like a wimp to him.

"Just need a hug, Har." You say, instead of stating your true feelings to him. He wastes no time pulling you on top of him and holding you as close as he can to his chest. "Sing to me?" You ask him, and he nods his head yes.

You lay on his chest, heartbeat prominent in you ear as you hear him softly sing your favorite song, your eyes slowly fluttering shut.

We'll be a fine line

We'll be a fine line

We'll be alright....

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